CLFP Insider

California League of Food Producers

Two CLFP committees held their fall board meetings in Stockton in November at The Reserve at Spanos Park. The Agricultural Production Committee met Nov. 3 and the Energy Resources Committee met Nov. 10. Both meetings featured multiple speakers covering a wide variety of topics.

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CLFP staff attended the State Water Board workshop on Nov. 22 regarding proposed changes in stream flows in the lower San Joaquin River watershed.

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USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced on Nov. 16 that Joelle Mosso of Olam Spices and Vegetable Ingredients in Fresno was selected to serve a five-year term on the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service National Organic Standards Board.

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Admix, Inc.
Industry News
Early registration pricing deadlines are approaching for Food Processing Expo 2017, which will be held Feb. 8-9 in California's Farm-to Fork Capital of Sacramento.The largest food processing tradeshow in California, Food Processing Expo 2017 will be bigger and better than ever with two days of hot topic sessions that will appeal to both large and small food processors, as well as two specialty workshops on human resources and sanitation. The early deadline for the Expo is Dec. 31 and Jan. 9 for the specialty workshops.

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Featured Article
The California State Legislature convened the 2017–18 legislative session on Dec. 5. Each house will convene an organizational session where newly elected state legislators will be sworn into office.

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Goodpack USA, Inc.
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YSI, a Xylem brand
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Gold River, CA 95670
Phone: (916) 640-8150 | Fax: (916) 640-8156
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