CLFP Insider

California League of Food Producers

A Food Producer Workshop will be held in Fresno June 25 to discuss funding programs available to the industry, including Food Producer Incentive Program (FPIP) grants and Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) incentive programs. In anticipation of significant changes to the FPIP eligibility requirements, CLFP companies not subject to the Cap-and-Trade regulation may see opportunities for winning a project funding grant increase. 

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Booth registration continues for CLFP’s Food Processing Expo 2020, which will be held in a new location – the Santa Clara Convention Center - February 12-13. CLFP will soon announce a preliminary agenda and launch the 2020 Expo website.

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Admix, Inc.
Downey Brand
Capitol News
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) provides updated information on water supply conditions across the state. As of June 2, most of the 47 reservoirs that DWR monitors are at, or above average capacity. The Shasta, Trinity, Oroville and Folsom reservoirs are all at 97 percent to 99 percent of total capacity, and all are over 110 percent of the historical average for that date. The New Melones reservoir is at 86 percent of total capacity and Don Pedro is at 92 percent. 

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While not everyone was on the same page about the legal path forward for hemp-derived CBD during Friday’s marathon FDA hearing, multiple speakers made clear that the current situation is untenable, with one predicting a wave of lawsuits, and others demanding that the agency either crack down on companies marketing such products, or explicitly spell out that existing regulatory frameworks can accommodate them.

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Better Yields From The Fields
Harvest Blade and Supply, Inc.
Harvest Blade and Supply is a provider to the food processing and food packaging industries offering industrial blade re-sharpening, refurbishing and Blade resale services that assists customers in reducing expenses and increasing production yields.
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Featured Article
CLFP partnered with the California Manufacturers and Technology Association (CMTA) on a CLFP/CMTA Manufacturers Day at the Capitol on June 4 in Sacramento. The partnership gave a stronger, more unified voice about issues impacting manufacturers in California. The event featured a slate of legislative speakers and industry policy experts, and targeted meetings with legislators.This year, Manufacturers Day replaced CLFP's annual Capitol Day.

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The deadline to move bills out of the legislative house in which they were introduced was May 31. CLFP was successful in helping stop several bills from advancing that would have added more costly mandates on the food processing industry, as well as working to move bills forward that will help with workforce development in the manufacturing sector.

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Rubber Fab
Alston Construction
The Hong Kong Food Expo will be held August 15-17, 2019, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Expo will include a California Pavilion for specialty crop producers and processors that will be hosted by the Los Rios Center for International Development, California Department for Food and Agriculture (CDFA). CLFP members are eligible for a complimentary booth at the Expo.

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Axiflow Technologies Inc.
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2377 Gold Meadow Way. Suite 285
Gold River, CA 95670
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