CLFP Insider

California League of Food Producers


Michael Mariani, Mariani Packing Co., Inc. was elected as CLFP's 2020-21 chair at the 2020 Annual Board of Directors Meeting held on April 30. Mariani is a partner with Mariani Packing and is based out of Mariani Packing Co.’s headquarters in Vacaville, CA. Other 2020-2021 CLFP officers elected were Pat Ricchiuti, ENZO Olive Oil Company, Clovis, CA, as first vice-chair, and Jim Lipman, California Olive Ranch, Chico, CA, as second vice-chair. Ross Siragusa, The Kraft Heinz Company, Stockton, CA, will continue as immediate past chair.

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CLFP and the West Hills Community College District invite you to join an online webinar on Wed., May 20, to learn more about FREE training offered through the CLFP/West Hills Food Science & Safety Apprenticeship Program for Food Manufacturers. CLFP recently was invited by the college to co-sponsor this comprehensive and valuable program.

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Admix, Inc.
Downey Brand
Capitol News
Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced the revised budget which reflects the turmoil COVID-19 is having on California’s economy. The May Revise details the funding priorities moving forward and features significant cuts to a multitude of programs. The updated budget also withdraws funding for several new initiatives and includes plans for further funding reductions in the event federal funding cannot adequately meet the state’s needs. The revised 2020-2021 budget proposal eliminates $20 million that was going to support grants for the State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program known as SWEEP. Now withdrawn from the California budget is $40 million in General Fund support to aid in the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.

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To say COVID-19 has changed the landscape of the food industry would be an understatement. As organizations of all sizes navigate either increased demand or dramatic decline, business leaders are doing their best to maintain normalcy and plan quicker than ever before. While changes seem to be taking place daily, one thing that remains the same is the importance of managing and supporting your people through compassion, compliance and accountability.

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CLFP continues to actively assess the evolving COVID-19 situation and how it is affecting the state’s food processing industry. CLFP is in regular contact with a wide variety of government agencies, industry and association coalitions and others and is holding weekly COVID-19 Issues Forums, providing members with current information and the opportunity to discuss COVID-19 issues affecting their operations.

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CLFP will soon begin the process of producing its 2020-21 Membership & Committee Directory and will be reaching out to all members asking them to review and update their membership information that will be part of the directory. It is imperative that you keep your membership current in order to be included in the directory.

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Featured Article
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a major impact at the State Capitol, resulting in an environment where it is definitely not “business as usual.” The California Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom are offering policy proposals that, while designed to help with the COVID-19 response, they may have negative repercussions for the business community. In addition, the Department of Finance is projecting a $54.3 billion deficit — a landmark shortfall due to the COVID-19 crisis that will impact the state budgets for years to come.

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Axiflow Technologies Inc.
Alston Construction
No One Likes a Product Recall
Rubber Fab
Our Detectomer® products are a line of metal detectable/x-ray inspectable elastomeric seals designed to work with any existing conveyor, pipe line or free fall detection system. Detectomer® products can be spotted by in-line x-ray inspection and metal detection systems as well as magnetic separators.
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Ampco Pumps Co. Inc.
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2377 Gold Meadow Way. Suite 285
Gold River, CA 95670
Phone: (916) 640-8150 | Fax: (916) 640-8156
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