CLFP Insider

California League of Food Producers

Admix, Inc.
Downey Brand
Capitol News

As rising gas and food prices cause US consumers’ confidence and short-term outlook for the economy to plunge, some are shifting their spending habits and the blame from the pandemic to ongoing supply chain costs, constraints and related government policies, according to The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index and the Consumer Brands Association.

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The state’s Department of Water Resources announced financial support to four separate drought relief projects as part of the Small Community Drought Relief Program.

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As food processors aspire to implement the latest technology and digitization, what is preventing cyber-criminals from ruining everything?

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Food Manufacturing

In the push to address climate change, many food manufacturers are setting goals of net-zero emissions by 2040.

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Public Policy
Assembly Bill 5 (Gonzales), signed into law in 2019, created new requirements regarding how workers should be classified as employees or independent contractors.  Effective January 2020, the Bill created a new “ABC Test” where a worker is considered an employee and not an independent contractor, unless the hiring entity meets all three conditions:

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The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has issued the Agency’s draft proposal for meeting ambitious long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and a “net-zero” carbon economy by 2045. To meet these goals the 2023 Scoping Plan will rely on technologies such as carbon capture, new fuels such as hydrogen, and electrifying vehicles, homes, and businesses. Although the food processing industry accounts for less than one percent of statewide GHG emissions, companies in the cap-and-trade program may incur significant compliance costs under the Plan. CLFP filed extensive comments with CARB, and recommended the following general policy goals be incorporated into the Plan:

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Three Miura LX Series Steam Boilers in Modular Configuration
Food processors are switching to Miura boilers for easier operation and routine maintenance, outstanding reliability and efficiency, green features, and safety. Compactly-designed, Made in America Miura boilers feature “full steam in less than 5 minutes from a cold start,” reducing energy costs and  allowing users to turn boilers off/on quickly according to load demand.
Featured Article
The California Legislature began its summer recess on July 1 and will be returning on August 1, 2022. In the final days before the Legislature left for summer break, a compromise on a circular economy policy for California was reached.

After years of negotiation, the compromise bill, SB 54 (Allen), passed both houses of the Legislature with bipartisan support and was signed by the Governor. The bill was supported by a wide mix of stakeholders, including environmental groups, industry advocates, local governments and agriculture.

After the legislation passed, the pending plastics initiative — the California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative — which was slated to appear on the November ballot, was pulled from the ballot by the three ballot proponents. The initiative had proposed a new tax of up to $0.01 on every piece of single-use plastic packaging and foodware sold in California.

CLFP took no position on the final version of SB 54, but believes that the current legislative approach offers far more long-term policy certainty than was proposed in the ballot measure.
Contact CLFP staff Trudi Hughes with any questions.

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Intertek Alchemy
Badge® SC is the #1 Liquid Copper Brand in the U.S.
Gowan USA, LLC®
Badge® SC from Gowan USA is a mixture of two high purity copper salts (copper oxychloride and copper hydroxide) in one superior formulation. This patented formulation provides immediate plant protection and extended residual control, PLUS excellent wash-off resistance during and after rains. Find out why Badge SC is the easiest mixing, most stable, best performing and most relied-on liquid copper formulation in America.
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Pacific Bay Equipment Company
DeHart Construction Services, Inc.
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Gold River, CA 95670
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