CLFP Insider

California League of Food Producers


With a processing plant located in San Leandro, California, Torani/R. Torre & Company has been approved by CLFP’s Board of Directors to join as an official Food Processor Member. Their Board Member and primary contact will be Cindy Eckart, Chief of Product Innovation. Torani’s commodities packed include syrups, sauces and fruit blends, and their brands include Puremade Syrups and Sauces, Torani Original Syrups, Torani Real Fruit Smoothie Mix (RFSM), and Torani Puree Blends. For more information on the company, please visit their website at


CLFP strives to grow their membership each year. If you have a California food processing/grower company you would like to see on the member roster, please contact Trudi Hughes, CLFP President & CEO, at 916-640-8150.

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Tomato researchers presented eleven total proposals to CLFP’s Tomato Processing Research Committee during the meeting in March. Of the eleven proposals presented, five will be fully supported and funded by the committee, which is two proposals higher than last year. The proposal topics approved for funding are as follows:

-          Determination of BOD Removal from Processing Rinse Water Following Land Discharge

-          Mitigating the Spread of Branched Broomrape and Other Soil Borne Pests: Evaluating Existing Methods and Providing Outreach Support for Effective Equipment Sanitation Practices

-          Screening of a VOC Sensor to Identify Broomrape Infestations

-          Remote Sensing for Early Detection of Branched Broomrape in Tomato

-          Accelerating Drying Kinetics of Tomato Halves with Ultrasound

-          Engineering Edited Tomato Lines Resistant to Root-knot Nematode Using CRISPR-Cas9 Technology


Thank you to CLFP’s Tomato Processing Research Committee for the ongoing support! If you have any questions regarding the program, or have suggested tomato researchers for the 2024 season, please contact Jacqueline Ostrander at

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Admix, Inc.
Downey Brand
Capitol News

AB 418, a bill that would outlaw five chemicals in food products passed the Assembly health committee on Tuesday, April 11 after a robust debate.

The author, Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel is concerned about the chemicals that go into producing the color, taste and texture of popular foods.

Among the targeted chemicals is red dye No. 3, which the European Union banned in food products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration outlawed its use in cosmetics 1990 but has not done so for food. Many companies have reformulated their products to comply with EU food safety standards.

Synthetic dyes in food were found in a 2021 California study to have neurobehavioral impacts on children. The state health department on Tuesday held a hearing to consider a petition to ban some of the chemicals. 

The other additives named in the bill are brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, and titanium dioxide. Gabriel said the bill does not seek to ban the chemicals outright but intends to spur manufacturers to use alternative ingredients, which he says can be cheaper.

CLFP and other food and beverage organizations oppose the bill, challenging the science the legislation relies on and saying that all of the chemicals have been vetted for consumer safety.

The bill will move to the Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee.

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CLFP awarded its very first scholarship 62 years ago. Today, CLFP continues to award scholarships each year to CLFP member employees and their children.  The 2022-2023 winners were celebrated on February 15th during breakfast at the CLFP EXPO attended by more than 200 people in the Food Processing industry. 

These scholarships are intended to recognize the accomplishments of the students and the commitment of their families to our industry.  We received many outstanding applications this year and are very pleased with the quality of our 16 scholarship winners. 


The success of CLFP’s Scholarship Program is due to the support and generosity from the CLFP Supplier Host Council members as well as Food Processor members and industry friends.


2023-2024 Scholarships

Please consider donating to CLFP’s Scholarship Program which directly benefits various California college students each year.

We sincerely appreciate any monetary donation your company can contribute to the program!

To donate, please visit CLFP’s Scholarship Page, or contact Jacqueline Ostrander at

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Three Miura LX Series Steam Boilers in Modular Configuration
Food processors are switching to Miura boilers for easier operation and routine maintenance, outstanding reliability and efficiency, green features, and safety. Compactly-designed, Made in America Miura boilers feature “full steam in less than 5 minutes from a cold start,” reducing energy costs and  allowing users to turn boilers off/on quickly according to load demand.
Industry News
New Method Can Provide Rapid Detection of Food Adulteration

Food Manufacturing

The technique could help regulatory agencies.


The Food Plant of the Future: Feeding More with Less

Food Processing

The Food Plant of the Future will have more automation, sensors, flexibility, a touch of artificial intelligence -- and be able to feed more people with fewer resources.


Governor issues executive order to use floodwater to recharge and store groundwater

Morning Ag Clips

Allows local water agencies and other water users to capture water from the latest round of storms to recharge groundwater supplies.

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Featured Article
The role of the CFO has evolved. Modern-day CFOs are harnessing data and creating value for their business, serving as innovators and disruptors for everyday operations. Utilizing financial and operational data, CFOs act as digital guardians who improve efficiency and enable strategy. 

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Axiflow Technologies Inc.
West Hills College Coalinga
Torino Fungicide – The Only FRAC Group U6 Fungicide
Gowan USA, LLC®
Torino Fungicide, containing the novel active ingredient CYFLUFENAMID, offers cucurbit, grape, strawberry, fruiting vegetable, cherry, and pome fruit growers a novel mode of action for the prevention of powdery mildew. Torino has shown activity on all strains of powdery mildew, including those known to be resistant to DMI's, aminopyrimidines, strobilurins, morpholines, anilinopyrimidines, and MBC's.  Torino is the only Group U6 fungicide classified by FRAC (Fungicide Resistance Action Committee). 
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Pacific Bay Equipment Company
DeHart Construction Services, Inc.
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2377 Gold Meadow Way. Suite 285
Gold River, CA 95670
Phone: (916) 640-8150 | Fax: (916) 640-8156
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