Podiatry This Week
  November 17, 2020 Facebook   Twitter   Instagram   Linkedin
SpiderTech Inc.
Atlas Orthotic Lab
Atlas Orthotic Lab Limited
Atlas provides quality custom made orthotics, the largest selection of brand name footwear with a superior ordering platform. Our iPad Scanning Technology option enables contactless casting along with time and cost savings. Guaranteed 3-5 day turnaround time for all orders - all year long. Atlas - the clear choice for today’s orthotics.
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Dormer Laboratories Inc.
Dormer Laboratories Inc.
Industry News
SOURCE: The Journal of Foot and Ankle Research
Chronic ankle conditions affect approximately 20% of Australian adults. Although there is a plethora of research on chronic hip and knee conditions, there is limited understanding of the impact of ankle problems. Thus, the significance of chronic ankle conditions is not clear.

SOURCE: Podiatry Today
At times, I find myself wondering what caused a case that I do routinely to go longer than expected. Was it me? Was it the team? Surely, it must have been anesthesia! According to one study, operating room time costs an estimated $37 per minute. Quite literally, when it comes to the operating room, time is money!

SOURCE: Lower Extremity Review
A long-overlooked part of the human foot is key to how the foot works, how it evolved, and how we walk and run, according to a Yale-led team of researchers. The discovery upends nearly a century of conventional thinking about the human foot and could open new avenues to explore in evolutionary biology as well as guide new designs for robotic and prosthetic feet, said the study team.

SOURCE: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
In modern times, running is a prescribed sports activity for the improvement of health. Nevertheless, data on novice athletes have shown that approximately 17.8 injuries occur every 1000 hours of running-based training and that approximately 7.7 injuries occur every 1000 hours in habitual runners,38 with Achilles tendinopathy as one of the most prevalent injuries.

SpiderTech Calf & Arch Pre-Cut
SpiderTech Inc.
Manufactured in Toronto, Canada. The SpiderTech Calf and Arch Spider provides support for patients dealing with a variety of Calf, Ankle, and Foot issues. The support can be in the form of additional proprioceptive feedback important after injury and exercise induced fatigue. It is also beneficial for pain control, range of motion deficit caused by increased muscle tone and improved fluid transfer.
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Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions
Job Postings
Advertise your job postings on the CFPM website. Ads are FREE for all members and will appear in Podiatry This Week!

Practices for Sale
Practice for Sale (Etobicoke) (Posted November 11, 2020)
Practice for sale in the Kingsway area of Etobicoke. Over 25 years in practice with established routine care and orthotic patients. Contact me at (416) 420-9686 to discuss details.

Do you have a practice for sale? CFPM can post a practice for sale ad to reach the chiropody/podiatry community. This service is FREE to members only. Non-member ads are also available for a fee. 
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Nov 2020