Weekly Newsletter
February 15, 2024
Corcoran Consulting Group, LLC
This Week at CT Healthcare At Home
  • Legislative Advocacy Day
  • Ensuring the Safety and Well-being of Home Care Providers: A Call to Action for Comprehensive Solutions
  • Credit for Caring Introduced in Both Houses of Congress
  • What Home Health Providers Need To Know About CMS’ Medicare Enrollment Changes
  • 2024 Predictions: Three Applications for AI in Home Healthcare
  • NHPCO Releases Culturally Sensitive Communications Resource Guide
  • Highlight Career Advancement Ops to Recruit and Retain Staff
Legislative Update
Our Annual Legislative Advocacy Day with our state Legislators is Wednesday, March 6 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 
This event is virtual for ease of both our members and our legislators. 
Please review our 2024 Legislative Agenda prior to the event. 
Safety and workplace violence prevention is a top priority for Connecticut and those who provide home and community-based services.
We urge you to join in for our Advocacy Day and share your voice and your story to ensure the safety of all those entering people’s homes. 
The invitation and the agenda can be found here.
In the meantime and immediately following our Advocacy Day, please reach out to your state legislators in your districts (based on both work address and home address).  Click here for the spreadsheet listing each legislator with their districts and emails.  Legislators care deeply about the needs of their constituents and want to hear your stories, whether your successes, struggles, or future sustainability woes.  Please reach out and have your staff do the same!
If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Wodatch at wodatch@cthealthcareathome.org.
News Update
Source: NAHC, Feb. 8, 2024
In the wake of the tragic death of home care nurse Joyce Grayson, the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) stands firm in its commitment to advocating for legislative and regulatory measures aimed at safeguarding home care providers. Grayson’s untimely death serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for enhanced protections in an industry already grappling with a severe shortage of skilled professionals.
The shortage of qualified healthcare workers, particularly in the home care sector, has reached alarming levels. With the aging population driving up demand for home-based care services, the industry finds itself struggling to keep pace. This shortage not only places immense strain on existing providers but also jeopardizes the quality of care delivered to individuals in their homes. Increased workloads, longer hours, and heightened stress levels further compound the challenges faced by home care providers on the frontlines.
Source: NAHC, Feb. 9, 2024
A bipartisan coalition of U.S. Senators and Representatives has reintroduced the Credit for Caring Act (S. 3702, H.R. 7165), a bill intended to bolster support for family caregivers nationwide. Spearheaded by Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WVA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), alongside Representatives Linda Sánchez (D-CA-38) and Mike Carey (R-OH-15), this legislation targets the daunting financial challenges confronting millions of family caregivers.
Source: Home Health Care News, Jan. 31, 2024
The Medicare enrollment process undergoes annual changes at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to ensure it remains up to date with evolving regulations, policies and health care practices.
A number of changes went into effect on Jan. 1, and several of them will affect home health agencies.
Here’s what home health agencies should know about those changes.
Source: Preeti Kaur, McKnights Home Care, Feb. 8, 2024
Business is booming in the healthcare generative AI market. The sector is projected to reach a staggering $22 billion by 2032 — enabling technology providers, health systems, payers and others in the ecosystem to develop game-changing capabilities that are reshaping the field. 
Frankly, the timing couldn’t be better for the home healthcare sector, an area that is particularly ripe for transformation. Variable schedules, provider shortages and a vulnerable aging population make managing logistics and providing care uniquely complex. In the face of these challenges, AI offers a compelling solution to streamline back-end tasks and enhance the patient-provider relationship.
So, while 2023 may have been the year of AI awareness, 2024 is set to be the year of AI advancement and widespread adoption. Although I’m encouraged by what we’ve already achieved, I’m more excited about the coming benefits that adoption at scale will provide both home care operators and patients.
Source: NHPCO
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s (NHPCO) Diversity Advisory Council (DAC) has published Culturally Sensitive Communications to Enhance Care Delivery: A Resource Guide for Healthcare Professionals. This guide offers linguistic considerations to support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in health, hospice, and palliative care. It contains information from a multitude of NHPCO resources, such as the Hospice Through The DEI Lens report, Inclusion and Access Toolkit, Black and African American Outreach Guide, Chinese American Resource Guide, Latino Outreach Guide, and LGBTQ+ Resource Guide, as well as information from additional external research sources.
Source: DecisionHealth, Feb. 8, 2024
A growing challenge for agencies this year will be filling management roles, but agencies that work to create career ladders will thrive.
This is important work, as agencies struggling to fill these positions will see a direct impact on the workload of other agency leaders, as well as inefficiencies that can impact all aspects of the operation.
Management hiring was put on hold for a lot of agencies during the wait for the final rule, says Eric Scharber, managing principal at SimiTree in Hamden, Conn.
Membership News
Did you know that SimiTree completes the cost reports for 31.5% of the home health visit volume in the country? SimiTree takes pride in being the nation's leading preparer of cost reports, boasting a rich history of providing comprehensive cost-reporting solutions for home health agencies, hospices, home offices, and community-based service providers across multiple states.
Unmatched Accuracy
SimiTree's commitment to accuracy is reflected in the fact that more Medicare-certified home health and hospice providers choose SimiTree for their cost-reporting needs than any other preparer in the industry. We understand the importance of reporting the true cost of doing business for post-acute providers, as these reports play a crucial role in the annual determination of case-mix weights, reimbursement rates, and labor versus non-labor portions as CMS continuously demands increasingly detailed information. 

From the specific data on visits and patients by discipline to in-depth insights into salaries, benefits, contract pay, and hours; SimiTree ensures that your cost reports meet the highest standards.
Insider Insights: Have any questions?
We were pleased to share our expertise at the Connecticut Association for Healthcare at Home Lunch and Learn event.  If you have any questions about the intricacies of leveraging Home Health and Hospice Cost Reports for both industry and organizational success, reach out to us at contactus@simitreehc.com or 800.949.0388.