Business Development through Marketing

Creating and growing a business takes focus and direction. The first thing to remember when you start a business is to have a business plan that is specific to your product or service and also takes into account your geographic location. The true purpose on any business is to win and retain customers. While some may say making a profit is the first consideration, that was said by many people who started a business and failed.

When you have a business, you must differentiate yourself from the competition with a goal of creating customer loyalty beyond reason. What that entails is creating a business environment that will make people go out of their way to patronize your business when there are other options available that are easier to reach and even less expensive.

Your business needs to create an atmosphere where your customers are actually your marketing department. People buy from people they know and trust. They also should feel that if they come to you with a specific need that you will not try to sell them a product or service that you offer but will not satisfy their needs. In this case you should be referring them to a competitor who can actually meet this specific need. Your reputation of honesty and integrity is what will make you successful.

When you see a past customer who you referred to another business, make sure you engage with them and ask if the referral you gave them better fit their needs. That customer can be one who will refer their friends to seek out your business and offer a testimonial about how well you handled their needs and considered them a personal friend.

As your business expands, never think you need to hire people who know less than you. A true business professional realizes that everyone has a limit of what they know and should always look to attract and maintain the best talent possible. A true leader is someone who is always trying to learn something new every day and relies on their staff to help teach him or her new skills or acquire new abilities.

Finally make a point to get to know your competition on a personal basis. While each of you will be trying to be the most successful in your field, you need to know who is your competition and what advantages they offer over your business. You also need to create a business friendship that will have your competitor referring business to you when they cannot meet the needs of one of their clients. When you get such a referral, make sure you thank your competitor for the business and promise to return the favor whenever possible.