MPI Chicago Area Chapter
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July 10, 2023

July is Disability Pride Month

It is a time for people living with disabilities to honor their many unique talents and skills. Disability,
visible or invisible, can happen at any point in a person's lifetime. As individuals, we experience disability
differently. Celebrating Disability Pride includes expanding your consciousness of those living with
disabilities and reflecting upon their contributions. Increased awareness invites opportunities to change
how disability is perceived, end stigmas, and promote expanded appreciation as a natural part of human

Understanding and celebrating Disability Pride Month is crucial, not just for members of the disability
community, but for everyone. It is an opportunity to challenge ableism, reframe societal perceptions
about disability, and strive for a world where all individuals, regardless of their impairment, can live with
dignity, respect, and full inclusion.

Disability Pride celebrates the over 1 billion people around the world with disabilities, honoring the
Disabled Identity, reinforcing the fact that disability is not an abnormality, rather it is a part of the beautiful
diversity that is being human, and fighting against a history of stigmatization, shame, and isolation with
unabashed self-determination and PRIDE!

Each of us is the sum of our parts, with multi-dimensional identities combining to create our own unique
individuality. People with disabilities are not defined solely by their Disabled identity, though that is a
part of their whole selves of which they can certainly be proud. Disability, gender, race, religion, ethnic
background, sexual orientation, and more; these identities weave a diverse tapestry making up
ourselves, coexisting in the same body. Pride is the embracing of these facets of the person beyond
simply acceptance, but with full inclusion and full-hearted love.

This year's annual Disability Pride Parade in Chicago takes place on Saturday, July 23, marking the
Parade’s 20th anniversary. Learn more here:

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Go somewhere different. Somewhere new

MPI-CAC Board of Directors: Someone You Should Know
Christopher Grace, CMP

When I first joined MPI-CAC the newsletter was in print. Not etched in stone, though I feel that old sometimes, but actual paper that was mailed out every other month. One of my favorite articles to create was a more in-depth interview with board members and volunteers that took on a conversational tone. I would like to bring this back and the best way I can think of to kick off this series is to repost a favorite article about one of the best chapter leaders there has ever been. Bill passed away in January of 2013 and is still missed. I hope you’ll enjoy this series and those of you who date back to the early 2000’s, join me in remembering a true friend and gentleman.

Lunch with Bill O’Donnell
(Originally published November, 2005) 


Have you ever seen Bill O’Donnell not smiling? Speaking with Bill is like getting a smile guarantee. If you don’t get a smile out of him you get a free drink with your meal. Bill’s welcoming smile is one of the many reasons why he has been a favorite MPI member of mine since the day I walked into the Chicago Area Chapter.

Bill’s term as Chapter President has been a long time coming. He’s been an active member of the Chicago Area Chapter for 11 years and during his 10th year was elected to the board of directors. Bill credits Tony Lorenz with urging him to step up to the Board of Directors role. I do not believe Bill has ever looked back, or considered what he would do if he were not a member of the Board.

Bill was born and raised in Hinsdale, Illinois, where he was the fourth oldest of six children. He has lived in the Southside Irish area of Beverly for 24 years. He has been married to his wife Maureen for 29 years and they are a match made in heaven. If you’ve not met Maureen before, then you’ve not met the perfect match for Bill O’Donnell. Who else could manage that energy and devilish personality that Bill exudes?

Bill’s family has always been very important in his life. He beams with pride as he talks about his children and their accomplishments. Two favorite memories stand out for Bill. The first is the birth of his first child. The second was while vacationing in Ireland,  Bill got down on one knee in a castle outside of Galway and proposed to his wife again on their 25th anniversary.

Bill also beams with pride when he speaks about MPI-CAC and his vision for the future. His emphasis to have members more involved comes under a different meaning of ROI - Return on INVOLVEMENT. Through MPI, and being an active participant, Bill is a firm believer that the possibilities are limitless for both professional and personal development.

Bill credits MPI for teaching him about new areas in the industry that were not as prominent as they are today. Through his MPI education, Bill has taken an active role in the successes of both the Women’s Leadership Initiative and the continued success of the Diversity Committee and its importance to our industry.

Bill cannot reiterate enough, “To make your MPI membership work for you, and be an active member. You never know what you’ll learn, who you’ll meet or what opportunities can be opened for you.”


Executive Committee                                          Board of Directors

Hilary Saurer                                                        Jennie Kramer
President                                                               Director of Educational Events

Allison Hines                                                        Katrina Whaley
President-Elect                                                      Director of Educational Programs

Erika Johnson                                                      Anna Hess
Vice President - Finance                                       Director of Leadership Development & Engagement

Barb Balaguras                                                   Adam Tanguay
Vice President - Education                                   Director of Sponsorship

Stephanie Salvatierra, CMP                               Jamie Sowski
Vice President - IDEA                                           Director of Trivia Night & AARC

Loretta Yingling, CMP                                         Bunny Lee
Vice President - Membership                                Director of Educational Content

Sara Broderick                                                     Laura Harris
Vice President - Marketing                                    Director of Marketing

Jessica Lindberg                                                 Liz Hake
Vice President - Special Events                            Director of Membership

Heather Brown, CMP, DMCP                                                    
Immediate Past President

Source: MeetingsNet

Hotel contracts have changed post-pandemic, with much more emphasis on deadlines. Here are some of the top ways meeting properties are handling everything from deposits and rebooking to concessions.

Source: Smart Meetings

Knowing how your audience absorbs information can lead to better comprehension and greater understanding of your presentation topic. 


In his latest article, Ted Miller discusses the value of involvement and its effect on getting you and/or your business out there.

The Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin
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