Spotlight Award Winner - Justin Bell, Capgemini
(Holiday Party Committee)
“I wanted to meet more people in the events space here in Chicago so I asked around to see how I could meet more CMPs, since that’s a goal of mine. I signed up on my own and paid out-of-pocket for my first year of membership to find out more about this community. I really enjoyed the first time I met Caplin Lawrence and Micayla Diener from the Holiday Committee; their energy is the kind of energy I like being around when it comes to collaboration on creating experiences.” - Justin Bell

Spotlight Award Winner - Erika Johnson, Chicago History Museum (Trivia Committee)
Erika told us how she became involved with MPI: ”Emily Yao! She and I have worked together in one way or another for years. She recruited me.” Erika also said her most exciting MPI moment was “Seeing my final Trivia Night as co-chair become a reality – built from the ground up by an amazing committee.”

Editor’s Note: Formerly known as Engaged Member of the Month, the Spotlight Award honors committee members who have really been an all-star on their committee.