Volunteer/Join a Committee

The best way to get the most out of your MPI-CAC membership is by joining a committee. It’s a great way to network, utilize your skills or challenge yourself to try something new! We know everyone has busy schedules, but many of our committees have a variety of tasks that can be done in just one hour a month! 

Committees are always looking for members with leadership skills, creative mindsets and the drive to collaborate with fellow industry professionals. Click here to see the full list of committees and to fill out the committee interest form.

Committee Spotlight - NEXT

Vice President, Education Operations - Aine O’Brien, Google

Director of Conferences - Colleen Morgan, Spencer Stuart

Co-Chairs - Cindi Webber (Sound Investment AV) & Jessica Lindberg (Edward Fox Photography & Video)

What is your committee responsible for?

Planning and executing NEXT, held annually in February or March.

How often does your committee meet?

Once a month (TBD for the 2021 event).

What are some tasks people do for your committee?

Our committee works with the venue to confirm logistics, day-of planning, creates marketing content and ensures all deadlines are met on time.

What makes your committee fun or stand out?

This committee is really well-established and functions really smoothly. They truly have a team mentality and help or jump in to ensure the event is successful. 


Have additional questions about volunteer opportunities? Please contact us via email at info@mpicac.org or call (888) 721-8908.