Board Spotlight

Want to get to know your board of directors a little better?

Meet Director of Special Events – Awards Event and Holiday Party Jonathan Zani (Black Oak Technical Productions)!

1.  How long have you been with MPI-CAC?

     Almost 3 years!

2.  What committees, if any, were you on before joining the board?

     The Annual Awards Recognition Celebration Committee

3.  What is your role on the board?

     I am director of special events for the MPI-CAC Holiday Party and the AARC.

4.   What is one goal for MPI-CAC you have in your position this year?

      To navigate through uncertainty in our industry to create stronger relationships and unique new
      event formats for our members and nonmembers to enjoy

5.   What do you like to do when you’re not working?

      I love to read, practice my Spanish, cook and go to the gym (to work off what I cook).