Board Spotlight

Want to get to know your board of directors a little better?

Meet Vice President of Communications – Heather Warthen (H1 Marketing and Events)!

 1.  How long have you been with MPI-CAC?

I joined MPI-CAC in January 2017.

2.  What committees, if any, were you on before joining the board?

When I signed up, I joined the Golf Classic Committee because I know how important it is to get involved in a committee to get the most out of your membership. I spent two years on the committee, including one as co-chair, before joining MarComm as a co-chair.

3.  What is your role on the board?

I am vice president of communications, so I work to ensure our messaging — emails, e-newsletter, social media, website updates — is consistent and engaging. We are the marketing arm of the chapter, so we work hands-on with the committees to promote their events or initiatives.

4.  What is one goal for MPI-CAC you have in your position this year?

We really want to continue the great strides we have had with our Instagram engagement as well as the success we have had with our MarComm liaison program. We also have a strong social media team who has been working hard on documenting everything and putting together a cohesive guide for marketing for our committee.

5.  What do you like to do when you’re not working?

My boyfriend and I love to check out new restaurants and have dined in several Michelin-star restaurants in Chicago as well as rediscovered some classic eats. We also are big Dave Matthews Band fans and travel to see the band quite often. We’ve seen them in Chicago, Alpine Valley (Wisconsin), Noblesville (Indiana), Boston and The Gorge (Washington).