Board Spotlight

Want to get to know your board of directors a little better?

Meet Director of Member Recruitment – Micayla Diener!

1.  How long have you been with MPI-CAC?

 I joined MPI-CAC in May of 2018. It was my first event here when I moved to Chicago.

2.  What committees, if any, were you on before joining the board?

Holiday Party Committee (was a committee member then co-chair)

3.  What is your role on the board?

Director of membership recruitment, also on the Anti-Human Trafficking Committee (MPI Global)

4.  What is one goal for MPI-CAC you have in your position this year?

I truly hope, in these trying times, that people want to join our community and still feel the value in being together. As MPI-CAC is offering many discounts and payment plans, we want to continually ensure new members as well as current members know they have a safe place to come and feel connected. 

5.  What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Lots! Work out, volunteer at the animal shelter, read, cook, spend time with friends, enjoy musical theatre and be spontaneous!