Volunteer/Join a Committee

The best way to get the most out of your MPI-CAC membership is by joining a committee. It’s a great way to network, utilize your skills or challenge yourself to try something new! We know everyone has busy schedules, but many of our committees have a variety of tasks that can be done in just one hour a month!

Committees are always looking for members with leadership skills, creative mindsets and the drive to collaborate with fellow industry professionals. Click here to see the full list of committees and to fill out the committee interest form.

Committee Spotlight – Partner Development Committee (PDC)

Vice President – Vice President of Finance - Heather Brown, CMP, DMP (PRA)

Director – Director of Sponsorship - Allison Hines (NHS Global Events)

Co-Chairs - Dillin Ravenscraft (Ateema Media & Marketing) & Donna Prather Williams (American Bar Association)

What is your committee responsible for?  

We are responsible for sourcing venues for all MPI-CAC chapter events and to build and maintain strong partnerships with cash and in-kind sponsors of MPI-CAC through collaboration with the management company, marketing/communications and event and education-specific committees. We provide committees with a toolkit and expertise to use when reaching out to sponsors for in-kind sponsorship and donations.

How often does your committee meet?  

We meet the third Wednesday of every month.

What are some tasks people do for your committee? 

Our committee members act as liaisons between the education and event-specific committees and the in-kind and cash sponsors. Our liaisons ensure that the standards of recognition are implemented at all chapter events and all chapter sponsors/partners are being well-served with well-managed relationships.

What makes your committee fun or stand out?  

Our committee stands out because while on the PDC committee you not only get to experience and learn about MPI-CAC partners and sponsors, but you get to work with other committees and help them achieve their goals.