Board Spotlight

A new series showcasing some tidbits about your MPI-CAC board members. Want to get to know your board of directors a little better?

Meet Vice President of Education Operations Colleen Jerger, CMP (Total Event Resources)!

1.  How long have you been with MPI-CAC?

Five years

2.  What committees, if any, were you on before joining the board?

Membership and Leadership Development

3.  What is your role on the board?

Vice president of education operations

4.  What is one goal for MPI-CAC you have in your position this year?

Keep members engaged through insightful education and meaningful networking opportunities.

5.  What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I like to play with my Pembroke Welsh Corgi Maisie, enjoy the Chicago restaurant scene and stay active by running on the lakefront or cycling on my Peloton. 

Want to hang out more with Colleen? You can join any Education Programs Committee, or any other committee, to get more involved! Check them out here.