Board Spotlight

Want to get to know your board of directors a little better?

Meet Director of Marketing and Public Relations Alli Shebek!

As a recent Chicago transplant, Alli is excited to give back to an MPI community that has welcomed her with open arms.

1.  How long have you been with MPI-CAC?

I joined MPI-CAC in June 2019 after I moved to Chicago. Before that, I was a member of the MPI Arizona Sunbelt Chapter since 2017.

2.  What committees, if any, were you on before joining the board?

Golf Classic. In Arizona, I was social media chair before my move to Chicago.

3.  What is your role on the board?

Director of marketing & public relations

4.  What is one goal for MPI-CAC you have in your position this year?

Continue the incredible work that Marcomm did in 2020 to build our social media following and engagement, and build upon that success with strategic marketing campaigns and collaboration across all of our fabulous committees.

5.  What do you like to do when you are not working?

I’m an avid concert-goer, so you can often find me enjoying live music (indie rock) at concerts or festivals.