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August 13, 2014

Fed Up At The Pump

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On January 1st, 2015 the California Air Resources Board will begin assessing a 16–76 cent per gallon "hidden tax" on gasoline, diesel, and propane fuels across the State of California.  This "hidden gas tax" has CIOMA members, farmers, small businesses, and advocates for seniors and the working poor "Fed Up At The Pump" and working hard to delay its implementation.  Since its launch on May 23rd, 2014, the FedUpAtThePump campaign has generated over six-hundred fifty letters to Governor Brown asking him to "Back Off" of this gas tax.  The campaign effort has received tremendous press throughout California including editorials in the Modesto and Fresno Bee’s, Op/Ed columns in those papers as well as the Stockton Record, Bakersfield Californian and the Sacramento Bee. Other media has included local television and talk radio in Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton and Sacramento. 
FedUpAtThePump has numerous other ways that as CIOMA Members, you can help spread the word about this "hidden gas tax", support efforts to delay its implementation, and get Governor Brown to "Back Off."  These opportunities include:
  • If you are in the Fresno area, or have customers who are, make plans to attend the FedUpAtThePump "Fuels Under the Cap" briefing on Thursday, August 14that 11:30AM.  The event will be held at the Fresno Chamber of Commerce.  For more details call the CIOMA offices at 916.646.5999.
  • Submit a letter to the editor or Op/Ed to your local daily, weekly, or semi-weekly newspaper to spread the word about what Governor Brown and his administration is about to do.
  • Stuff the FedUpAtThePump information flyer in every one of your billing invoices and other communications with customers.
  • If you have retail or card lock locations, download, print, and install our pump topper on each of your fuel islands to educate your customers.
  • Display a FedUpAtThePUmp banner if you have major highway or intersection frontage (to request a banner e-mail
The California Independent Oil Marketers, numerous other statewide associations, and FedUpAtThePump are also strongly supporting AB69 (Perea-D) which will force a three year delay, until January 1, 2018, in the implementation of the Fuels Under the Cap regulations.  AB69 is currently held in Senate Rules committee and has not yet been scheduled for hearing.  The opportunity to have a public and balanced debate on this issue is necessary to ensure that your voice is heard. To contact your Legislator and ask to support this important delay and to hear the bill, please click HERE and follow the prompts provided. 

For any questions about these or any other ways you can be involved in the FedUpAtThePump campaign, please call CIOMA’s Grassroots Director, Scott Lipton at 916.646.5999 x971 or reach out via e-mail at

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