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October 9, 2014

CIOMA CA Educational Sessions At NACS

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CIOMA presented two educational sessions during the NACS show in Las Vegas this week, including hosting a reception for California attendees.  A recap of the sessions can be found below. 


Attention California Retailers: Hot Topics From the Golden State Operations

California retailers discussed new legislative and regulatory practices from the state government including plastic bag bans, worker sick leave, new fuel costs, service station risk assessment, inventory best practices, and more, highlighting a variety of issues cooking in the test-tube state. The interactive discussion with attendees and California retailers covered how they continue to cope with an array of new requirements and obligations.  This session was attended by retailers who operate stores within California.

Panelists included: 

Jay McKeeman, CIOMA & CSSARA, VP Government Relations

Dee Dhaliwal, Dhaliwal & Associates, Inc., President, CIOMA Board member

Chris Bambury, Bambury, Inc., General Manager, CIOMA and POC Board member

James Foster, SC Fuels, Manager, Branded Wholesale


Attention California Operators: Greenhouse Gas Regulations

In California, multifaceted regulatory programs are designed to achieve lower carbon output from motor fuels, refinery carbon obligations, fuel carbon offsets and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Due to the complexity and overlap of the regulations, this "living experiment" has many hidden or unintended consequences.  Attendees learned how aspects of the state's fuel manufacturing and delivery markets are adjusting, and about the impacts on fuel retailers and their customers.  There was an informative Q&A session at the close where many attendees were able to interact with the speaker and ask questions about the regulations.

The session was moderated by Dee Dhaliwal, Dhaliwal & Associates, Inc., President,

CIOMA Board member.  The session presenter was Jay McKeeman, CIOMA & CSSARA,

VP Government Relations.



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