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November 11, 2015

CIOMA Invites Membership Participation

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Serving on CIOMA’s various committees and board of directors are excellent opportunities for leadership in the industry and the Association.  Committee and board service can be rewarding both professionally and personally.  CIOMA is made stronger from increased and new participation by membership.  At this time, CIOMA is reaching out to the membership to call for membership participation on committees and to learn of interest to serve as future Board members.


Committee Service -

  • There are several Committees on which membership can serve:  Wholesale Committee, Retail Committee, Government Relations Committee, CIOMPAC Committee, Membership Committee, and Scholarship Committee.
  • Committee service is a great way to become more active in the industry, get to know other members, and is a pathway to future Board service.
  • You can nominate yourself or someone in your company to be considered for one or more committees for 2016 or future years.  If you are interested in submitting a nomination, please send an email to and include the following information: name, member company name, title, committee(s) interested, year interested in serving (2016 or future consideration).  Please submit your nomination by 11/30/15.
  • Your company must be a member in good standing.
  • Committee service time commitments vary between committees.  Most committees meet monthly via conference call that may last 1-2 hours. Calls may be more or less frequent depending on the projects that committee is working on at the time.
  • Committee service term is one year and an interest survey is sent out annually to current Committee members to inquire about service interest for the following year.
  • For information, you can call or email Julia McCann at 916-646-5999 or

Board of Directors -

  • With the exception of the Executive Committee (officers), the Directors are elected annually by the CIOMA membership.
  • The term of the office for a director not elected to the Executive Committee shall not exceed five (5) consecutive one year terms.
  • You can submit your name or someone in your company to be considered for nomination to the Board of Directors.  Directors are nominated for consideration by the CIOMA Past Presidents and then the ballot of nominations is sent to the CIOMA membership for election.   If you are interested in submitting a name for consideration of nomination as a Board Director, please send an email to and include the following information:  name, member company name, title, and year interested in serving (2016 or future year).   Please submit your nomination by 11/30/15.  There will be call for nomination consideration for 2017 mid-year in 2016 as well.
  • Your company must be a member in good standing.
  • Board service time commitments include attendance at 4 meetings per year (three in Sacramento and one at POC) lasting 2-6 hours, and various conference calls as needed during the year in between meetings.  Board members also serve on one or more of the Committees and have time commitments there as well.
  • For information, you can call or email Julia McCann at 916-646-5999 or


If you are not sure about participating on a Committee or Board yet, please consider involvement in CIOMA events in order to get to know more of the membership and CIOMA staff and learn about what the committees do and what service involves.  Good events to attend are CIOMA’s Day At The Capitol events and POC.  These are great opportunities to network with other members who are actively involved in committees and/or on the Board of Directors.  For 2016, the dates of these events are March 16th for the Day At The Capitol in Sacramento and September 6th – 8th for the Pacific Oil Conference (POC) in Los Angeles.


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