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March 17, 2016

Speaker Atkins: California Leads Again

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 

March 3, 2016                                                             


CONTACT: John Casey (916) 319-2408 


Speaker Atkins: California Leads Again


SACRAMENTO—Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) released the following statement regarding the passage of legislation addressing tobacco and e-cigarette usage:


"Studies have shown that Californians spend more than $9.8 billion treating the effects of tobacco use every year and $3.5 billion is billed directly to Medi-Cal. Raising the legal smoking age will help lower the number of young people who use tobacco, and that means healthier Californians and lower costs for taxpayers. Advocates have said this is the most sweeping tobacco regulation in 50 years. California led the way for the nation with a workplace ban, and the restrictions in bars and restaurants. We are leading the way again."


Information about the Second Extraordinary Session bills related to tobacco can be found here.



Website of Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins:





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