Advanced Clean Local Trucks Strategy First Workgroup Meeting
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The Air Resources Board (ARB) invites you to attend the first Advanced Clean Local Trucks public workgroup meeting to be held in late January 2017 (meeting details below).The workgroup was established as a result of the first workshop meeting held on November 1, 2016, and will include a wide range of stakeholders such as technology providers, original equipment manufacturers, public and private fleet owners, non-governmental environmental organizations, and other interested parties to discuss the current status of advanced technologies for reducing emissions from local trucks.The discussion will focus on:
• Strategies for advanced clean local trucks with focus on establishing a manufacturer requirement verses a possible strategy for fleet mandates.
• Certification for vehicles and engines.
• Total cost of ownerships for different vehicle types.
• Data collection needs.
This public workgroup meeting is open to the public and in-person participation is strongly encouraged.Please see workgroup meeting information below:
Date: Friday, January 20, 2017
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Cal/EPA Headquarters Building
Coastal Hearing Room, Second Floor
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
This meeting will also be accessible via webcast for participants unable to attend in person.Meeting materials (agenda, presentations, etc.) will be posted on the Advanced Clean Local Trucks website at:
Achieving California’s long-term air quality, climate, and public health goals will require a transition from the conventional combustion technologies to zero emission everywhere feasible and near-zero emission powered by clean, low-carbon renewable fuels everywhere else. Promoting the development and use of advanced clean trucks will help ARB achieve its emission reduction strategies as outlined in the State Implementation Plan, Sustainable Freight Action Plan, Senate Bill 350, and Assembly Bill 32.
For more information on the Advanced Clean Local Trucks program, please go to