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March 9, 2017

Less Than Two Weeks Left to Register - CIOMA's Day at the Capitol

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Day at the Capitol

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 | Sacramento, CA

Register Now
Event Details
CIOMA Calendar
Less Than Two Weeks Left To Register
Just a quick reminder: As of today, you have less than two weeks left to sign-up for CIOMA's Day at the Capitol, March 22, 2017.
Here is your chance to rapidly get up to speed on the latest issues CIOMA is advocating on your behalf. Designed to provide CIOMA members an annual opportunity to forge relationships with their elected representatives, Day at the Capitol also helps CIOMA establish partnerships with California lawmakers, which will ultimately benefit our industry. 
Prior participants encourages all CIOMA members to join them at the upcoming Day at the Capitol. Don't miss this great event. Register TODAY!
Though our room block is now officially closed, if you haven't yet booked your hotel reservation, please email Christina Bauders, Event & Communications Director via bauders She will be able to make the reservation on your behalf at the Holiday Inn Downtown Sacramento-Arena.


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