CIOMA members were alerted last
week that our Government Relations Update meeting has been moved to Wednesday,
October 15 to enable more members to attend. The previous date,
Friday October 10th, coincided with the last day of the NACS
convention, creating scheduling problems for likely attendees.
The meeting location is the same - SC Fuels headquarters in Orange, CA. In
moving the date we have also expanded the time of the meeting from 10:00 a.m.
- 2:00 p.m. allowing more time for discussion of important Government
Relations items and priorities for the coming year. In addition, we are
allowing prospective members to attend, showing them the wide variety of issues
and challenges we are addressing.
Highlighted topics will include:
CIOMA's 2014 Underground Storage Tank legislative victory
Fuels Under the Cap regulations taking effect January 1st, 2015
California's new "Single Use" plastic bag ban, impacting
fuel convenience stores on July 1st, 2016;
Status of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard regulations;
The defeat of several cost increasing measures on behalf of fuel
Enhanced Vapor Recovery regulations; and,
the results of CIOMA sponsored legislation this year.
Attending the meeting will be Jay
McKeeman, CIOMA's Vice President of Government Relations and Communications,
CIOMA lobbyist, Russell Noack and many of the members of the CIOMA Board of
Directors and leadership. This meeting, generously sponsored by SC Fuels, is
open to CIOMA members, non-members, and other interested parties. Lunch
will be served, but there is no cost to attend, only valuable insight to gain.
Come see what CIOMA is doing for you and your industry!
Please invite customers that might be interested in learning
about CIOMA but make sure that a registration form (click here) is supplied for any and all