New CIOMA Board Announced

The Association election results are in and here is your newly elected slate of Officers and Directors for 2015:




Mike Rohrer, President - SC Fuels

Tom Van De Pol, Senior Vice President - Van De Pol Enterprises

Mike Downs, 1st VP - Downs Energy

Nathan Crum, 2nd VP - Valley Pacific Petroleum

Dale Boyett, Immediate Past President - Boyett Petroleum


Directors (New = newly elected to the Board)


Chris Bambury, Bambury, Inc.

Marla Carlson, Amber Resources

Dee Dhaliwal, Dhaliwal & Associates

Mike Doggett, MJ Tank Lines (New)

Phillip Dwelle, Flyers (New)

Erin Graziosi, Robinson Oil (New)

Steve Lopes, Western States Petroleum

Angus McDonald, The SoCo Group (New)

Dave Sahagun, Pacific Heights Chevron

Ed Ward, SC Fuels


We welcome our new Directors and congratulate all the re-elected.  The future or our Association is in good hands!