Day at the Capitol - April 8, 2015

Join us for CIOMA's annual Day at the Capitol where members experience a unique opportunity to have their voices heard at the California State Capitol. Spend the day with us as we walk the halls of the Capitol and meet with policy makers to educate them on key issues that affect your business, your industry, as well as share CIOMA's collective message.


This year, we have a wonderful and exciting new program in store for you. We are in the process of securing a special hearing room at our State Capitol where members can gather and receive an overview from speakers of the legislative process/current environment. Upon conclusion of our presentation, CIOMA members will go over some Lobby Day Issues & Basics which will take place in the form of a first-ever "Mock Visit and Follow-up Discussion". We request your advance registration so we can be sure to schedule an appointment with your legislative representatives.


It is important to know that as members, your grassroots activity dovetails with CIOMA's legislative program and the work done on behalf of CIOMA by our legislative advocate (lobbyist). All of these elements are necessary and are key to making an effective team to promote your perspectives on issues and protect your interests.

 Please stayed tuned as we fine-tune the details for this event and be on the look-out for emails advising that registration is open for Day at the Capitol.