Have You Renewed Your 2015 Membership with CIOMA?

If you have not gotten a chance to renew your membership with CIOMA for 2015, this serves as a reminder to renew your dues as soon as possible.  If you would like to continue receiving CIOMA’s monthly Insider newsletter, please make sure you contact our office and renew today.  This will be your last Insider newsletter issue unless you are a current member, as all unpaid memberships will be suspended on March 15, 2015.
Membership dues allow CIOMA to address emerging issues in this rapidly shifting environment and to provide members with critical updates and timely resources on new legislative and policy changes that may impact your business.
Thank you to all CIOMA members for your ongoing commitment and support to the association.  We attribute our success to our committed and engaged members who have been, and continue to be, the heart of our association.
For questions, please contact:
Catherina "Trina" Isidro
Director, Operations, Member & Program Services
California Independent Oil Marketers Association
3835 North Freeway Blvd, Suite 240
Sacramento, CA  95834-1955
Main: (916) 646-5999 | Direct:  (916) 830-1398