Furnisher Data Reporting and Process Requirement Changes



 Furnisher Data Reporting and Process Requirement Changes


National Consumer Assistance Plan

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion recently announced the National Consumer Assistance Plan that will enhance their ability to collect complete and accurate consumer information and will provide consumers more transparency when interacting with consumer reporting agencies about their credit reports. The plan was announced after cooperative discussions and an agreement with the Attorneys General of multiple states.

Impact of the Plan

The agreement provides for updates to mandatory reporting requirements and collection procedures.  The resulting initiatives will impact furnisher reporting.


Below is a summary of upcoming initiatives, impacted furnishers, and the effective dates. Details of each initiative are provided further down:


Who is Impacted?

What is Required?

Effective Date

Collection Agencies and Debt Buyers

Report the name of the Original Creditor and Creditor Classification Code


Collection Agencies and Debt Buyers

Do not report debt that did not arise from a contract or agreement to pay


Collection Agencies and Debt Buyers

Report a full file monthly


Collection Agencies and Debt Buyers

Do not report Medical Debt collection accounts less than 180 days old


Collection Agencies and Debt Buyers

Report a delete for accounts that are being paid or were paid in full through insurance


All Data Furnishers

Minimum reporting requirements for consumer personally identifiable information



Reporters of Authorized User Data

Report full Date of Birth for new Authorized Users on all accounts




Recommended Action

It is strongly advised that all Data Furnishers:

  • Review the list of initiatives and the details that follow to understand which changes will affect you. 
  • Forward this communication within your organizations in order to disseminate the requirements widely (Technology, Compliance, Operations, etc.).
  • Ensure that your organizations successfully implement these initiatives in all affected systems and departments on or before the Effective Dates listed above.


Initiative Details by Furnisher


Collection Agencies/Debt Buyers



Furnisher Action

Effective Date

Report the name of the Original Creditor and Creditor Classification Code

Report the Original Creditor Name and the valid Creditor Classification Code according to the Metro 2® format. These fields are required for each account or item reported.



Do not report debt that did not arise from a contract or agreement to pay

Do not report debt that did not arise from a contract or agreement to pay (including, but not limited to, certain fines, tickets, and other assessments).



Report a full file monthly

Report your full file monthly including accounts that are open, that are paid in the last 90 days, or that require deletion or correction.





Do not report Medical Debt collection accounts less than 180 days old 

Do not report Medical Debt collection accounts (as defined by Creditor Classification Code 02) until they are at least 180 days past the Date of First Delinquency.  



Remove Debt paid or being paid by insurance

Report a delete for accounts that are being paid by insurance or were paid in full through insurance (not by the consumer).



Reporting of consumer personally identifiable information

There will be greater reliance on collecting and reporting broader consumer identification information (Full Name and Address along with Social Security Number and Date of Birth).  You should collect and report all consumer identifiable information.


Further details will be communicated in the coming months.






Reporters of Authorized User Data



Furnisher Action

Effective Date

Report full Date of Birth for new Authorized Users on all accounts

Report the full Date of Birth (month, day, and year - MMDDYYYY) for newly added authorized users (ECOA "3") on ALL pre-existing and newly opened accounts.






Additional communications will be provided on this transition effort as they become available.  Should you have any questions, please contact:


Equifax: EquifaxConsumer.DataOperation@Equifax.com

Experian: DataReporting@Experian.com

TransUnion: TUDAS@TransUnion.com



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Experian Information Solutions

475 Anton Blvd.

Costa Mesa, CA  92626
