Notice of New Web-Based Version for the California Retail Fuel Outlet Annual Report (CEC-A15)

The California Energy Commission (Energy Commissioner) is presenting a web-based reporting portal for the CEC-A15 California Retail Fuel Outlet Annual Report at an upcoming workshop in Sacramento. The CEC-A15 report is required via the Petroleum Industry Information Reporting Act, under which transportation fuel retailers must report annual throughput and facility tank volumes. This workshop will take place on November 16, 2015, and will demonstrate how this new portal will save retailers time by preforming real time data checks, providing known address information, providing receipt confirmation of submitted data, offer guidance on requested fields, and track the stations that require information. This new system will in turn allow the Energy Commission to process data faster, insure data quality, and offer efficient customer service.


The Energy Commission invites you to attend in person or by WebEx. This workshop is being produced in conjunction with the Independent Oil Marketer Association and will serve as a venue to connect with retailers about this reporting requirement, gather feedback on how to provide better customer service, and allow early testing of the reporting portal.


If you have any questions regarding this informational event, please contact Ryan Eggers at

(916) 651-2920, or by email at


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Article provided by:

Ryan O. Eggers

Supervisor, Transportation Fuels Data Unit

Supply Analysis Office

California Energy Commission

(916) 651-2920