California Delegation at PMAA Day on the Hill




California sent a well-represented delegation to Washington DC May 19-22, to participate in PMAA’s annual Day on the Hill & Spring Meetings Conference.  Representing California/CIOMA:

Jimm Cross, Cross Petroleum, Redding, PMAA California Director

Tom Van De Pol, Van De Pol Petroleum, Stockton, 2016 CIOMA President

Matt Cullen & family, Amber Resources, Long Beach, CIOMA Past President

Mark Mitchell, SC Fuels, San Jose, CIOMA Past President

Rusty Rinehart, Rinehart Law Offices, Los Gatos, CIOMA Counsel

Deb Mattos, Mattos & Associates Sacramento, CIOMA retained advocate

Jay McKeeman, CIOMA, Sacramento, CIOMA VP of Government Relations


A variety of issues were discussed with 14 Congressional offices.  These included:

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) reform– infeasibility of E-15 fuel from marketer perspective.

Petroleum Tanker Placarding– Requirement of practical and safe materials placarding standards.

Department of Labor Supervisor Overtime Regulations – Need for Congressional review/overturn.

Ozone Standards – Support HR 4775, allowing for practical, cost-effective ozone reductions.


The 14 offices visited included a bi-partisan schedule:

Representative Anna Eshoo, D San Jose

Representative Doug LaMalfa R, Oroville

Representative Jeff Denham R, Modesto

Senator Dianne Feinstein, D, CA

Representative Kevin McCarthy R, Bakersfield

Representative Duncan Hunter R, Escondido

Representative David Valadao R, Hanford

Representative Jerry McNerney D, Stockton

Representative Mimi Walters R, Laguna Nigel

Representative Janice Hahn D, Wilmington

Representative Doris Matsui D, Sacramento

Representative Mike Thompson, D Santa Rosa

Representative Tony Cardenas D, Panorama City

Representative Jim Costa D, Merced


The office-holder visits and PMAA meetings were especially poignant for the Cullen family as Matt’s oldest daughter, Rachel, was just starting an internship with PMAA and has a summer post with Congressman Valadao’s office.  She is attending the University of Pennsylvania, majoring in Political Science. She got a full-emersion lesson on Capitol visits and PMAA activities in hanging with the California delegation.


CIOMA members were active in PMAA meetings, attending the Western Region session, the Motor Fuels Committee and C-Store Committee meetings and the PMAA Board meeting.


The Cullen family and Jimm Cross had a "bonus session" when they took a Capital Segway tour and wound up in the middle of the White House lock down/shooting situation – all turned out well, but they took several off-tour routes and cross-country paths in avoiding the commotion!


Next year’s PMAA Day on the Hill Conference is May 10-12, 2017.  Headquarters is again at the Marriott Metro Center.  Mark your calendars now!  Those that have attended in the past have thoroughly enjoyed the experience.