New CIOMA Board Announced

Mike Downs, President – Downs Energy
Nathan Crum, Senior Vice President – Valley Pacific Petroleum Services, Inc.
Dee Dhaliwal, 1st VP – Dhaliwal & Associates, Inc.
Marla Carlson, 2nd VP – Amber Resources
Tom Van De Pol, Immediate Past President – Van De Pol Enterprises
Directors (* = newly elected to the Board)
Chris Bambury, Bambury, Inc.
Marla Carlson, Amber Resources
Nathan Crum, Valley Pacific Petroleum Services, Inc.
Brian Decker, SC Fuels*
Dee Dhaliwal, Dhaliwal & Associates
Mike Doggett, MJ Tank Lines
Mike Downs, Downs Energy
Phillip Dwelle, Flyers New
Erin Graziosi, Robinson Oil New
Brian Hill, TORO Petroleum*
Ron Lamb, The SoCo Group, Inc.*
Sanjiv Patel, National Petroleum
Dave Sahagun, Pacific Heights Chevron
TomVan De Pol, Van De Pol Enterprises, Inc.
We welcome our new Directors and congratulate all the re-elected.  The future or our Association is in good hands!