2017 Annual Meeting / Day at the Capitol New Legislators Introduction Recap
CIOMA kick-started the new year with its 2017 Annual Meeting at Day at the Capitol on January 17-18, 2017.

Our two day event began on January 17 at Thunder Valley Resort located a short drive outside of downtown Sacramento. We began with Government Relations (GR) and CIOMA programs presentations where attendees heard from guest speakers about association updates and other items of importance. Presenters included Federated Insurance, Andreini & Company, Maniaci Insurance Services, and Fuel Relief Fund. The next part of the meeting focused on lobby day issues and basics, which provided attendees with detailed information about key issues of importance to our industry.
Following our meetings, we held a cocktail reception where attendees were able to mingle with colleagues before our first ever President's Banquet. The banquet was a way for us to formerly pass the torch from one CIOMA President and Board to the next. This was an opportunity for us to offer our thanks to our Past President and introduce our new CIOMA president. Additionally, CIOMA started a new tradition by formally awarding several members for their outstanding contributions to our industry and association. The recipients are:
- Professional Associate Service Award: Maniaci Insurance Services, Inc.
- Member of the Year Award: Matt Cullen
- Distinguished Service Award: Ed Ward
Congratulations to our recipients! We truly appreciate your ongoing dedication and commitment to CIOMA.
On Wednesday, January 18, we began the day with a Legislators Breakfast Reception. This was an excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face with key moderate democrats who may be more sympathetic to the issues our industry faces. The legislators who attended the Legislative Breakfast Reception are Assemblymembers Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-4), Blanca Rubio (D-47), Jim Cooper (D-9), and Rudy Salas, Jr. (D-32).
Following the breakfast reception, our delegation walked over to the Capitol where we held presentations from Assemblymember Melissa Melendez (R-67), Assemblymember Jim Cooper (D-9) and Senator Janet Nguyen (R-43). Also presenting were WSPA, CIPA, and CIOMA.
All new for this year, we included some entertainment and friendly competition at the end of the day. A shuttle transported the group to Top Golf. To end the day, we sat down for a casual networking dinner before heading back to Thunder Valley Resort.