Insider Newsletter Feedback

Thank you for reading CIOMA’s Insider newsletter! It’s been a couple of years now since we published our very first issue of the Insider.


In keeping with CIOMA’s ongoing commitment to strengthening the experience of our members, we’d love to hear your feedback. Tell us what is important to you and what we can do to improve our communications.


You can send your comments to Holly Gamboa, Marketing Communications & Membership Specialist via email at  We will do our very best to keep you informed about current and relevant issues regarding your industry.


For questions, please contact:


Holly Gamboa

Marketing Communications & Membership Specialist 

California Independent Oil Marketers Association

3835 North Freeway Blvd, Suite 240

Sacramento, CA  95834-1955

Main: (916) 646-5999 | Direct:  (916) 830-1398