Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) is now accepting applications for the Year 5 Goods Movement Program.


The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) is now accepting applications for the Year 5 Goods Movement Program (GMP). Over $20 million is available for all project categories including upgrading existing diesel-powered transportation refrigeration units (TRU) to zero-emission options. Funding is also available to install electric power & cryogenic fueling infrastructure and to replace insulated grocery store cold-storage trailers with electric trailers and install a power plug.

New! Changes to Year 5 GMP funding options:

Significant changes were introduced for this new solicitation.

Please review the 2017 updates to the Year Program Guidelines for complete details on funding options and take a look at 2017 updates.  

Applications are due by June 30, 2017.  Application forms are available here.

To be eligible, TRUs must be operating within the major CA trade routes or at an intermodal marine or rail port or freight distribution facility, or a grocery retail store (for insulated trailer & plug)

View our quick reference guide for funding options and fact sheet. (opens a PDF). 

The Air District has also opened solicitation for other equipment that can be funded in the Year 5 Program, including commercial truck upgrades, cargo handling equipment, shore power electrification and locomotive projects. 

Eligibility and application information.

Please feel free to contact grants staff at (415) 749-4994 (option 1).  We’d be happy to go over details of the program and answer any questions.

Thank you,

BAAQMD Grants staff