California Assemblyman Travis Allen Files Ballot Initiative to Repeal California Gas Tax Increase

Assemblyman Travis Allen filed an initiative to repeal the recently signed $52 billion gas tax and move it to a vote of the California people in 2018. 

"In 2010, Jerry Brown said ‘there should be no tax increases without a vote of the people.’ Repealing the gas tax will simply help him keep his promise to California voters," said Allen.
"With Jerry Brown’s new gas tax, as of November 1, 2017, every gallon of gas will cost 12 cents more, diesel will cost 20 cents more and car registration fees will go up as much as $175 for every California driver," said Travis Allen. "Adding insult to injury, this massive new tax will not build any new roads, and it will do nothing to fix California’s worst-in-the-nation traffic. In fact, Brown’s new gas tax legislation actually has specific language that will reduce lane capacity and increase traffic."

Despite Californians paying among the highest income taxes, sales taxes and gas taxes in the nation, Jerry Brown’s new gas tax raises the tax on fuel by 67%—from 18 cents per gallon to 30 cents per gallon. It will also raise annual vehicle registration fees for working families by up to a $175. Commercial vehicles are hit even harder, with the taxes on diesel spiking from 20 cents to 36 cents a gallon, and diesel sales tax jumping from 1.75% to 5.75%. And beginning in 2020, even hybrid and electric cars will be socked with $100 a year fee.

The ballot initiative was filed this morning with the California Attorney General’s office and will repeal the recently enacted SB 1 in its entirety. Under California law, the Attorney General has 65 days to write a title and summary of the initiative for the November 2018 ballot, and the initiative’s proponents have 150 days to gather 365,880 valid California signatures to qualify the repeal for the November 2018 ballot.

"Jerry Brown’s decision to push through the largest gas tax increase in California’s history without the approval of voters demonstrated a complete disregard for ordinary Californians. This ballot initiative will correct Brown’s failure and allow the people of California to decide for themselves if they want to raise their taxes."

For more information, official signature packets (once available) and a full summary of the repeal, please visit
Information provided by Fuel Marketers News