Historic reforms to
Mexico’s energy markets are driving demand for market pricing data, news and
analysis. Global commodity price reporting agency Argus began publishing a new
daily market report on 13 March to meet this demand.
Argus Mexico Fuel Marketswill provide subscribers
with a unique look into Mexico’s fast-changing refined products market. The
report will initially provide subscribers with delivered prices for gasoline,
diesel, blendstocks and LPG, along with news and analysis.
"Mexico is a rapidly changing energy environment that international and
domestic suppliers need to understand," Argus Media chairman and chief
executive Adrian Binks said. "Argus is proud to be able to bring transparency
and offer insight into the Mexican refined oil products sector at a vital stage
in the liberalisation of its domestic markets."
The commodity prices, news and analysis published inArgus Mexico Fuel Marketswill serve as a valuable
reference point for global energy companies seeking to understand Mexico’s
refined products market, which is being restructured as a result of sweeping
energy reforms signed by President Enrique Peña Nieto in 2013. The reforms revoked
the long-held monopoly of state-owned oil company Pemex and for the first time
introduced price liberalisation and private competition in all facets of
Mexico’s energy industry.
Argus is launchingArgus Mexico Fuel Marketsahead
of a key milestone in Mexico’s retail motor fuel sector: the government is
expected to begin removing caps on retail gasoline and diesel prices on 30
March, allowing market forces to set prices.
By law, fuel prices in Mexico must be market driven by 1 January 2018. The government
has opted for a gradual, region-by-region liberalisation plan, which will be
first introduced in the northwestern states of Sonora and Baja California.
Accelerate your understanding and move your business forward with superior Argus news, analysis and prices. To receive more information on the Argus Mexico Fuel Markets report, please click here.
Contact Information
Seana Lanigan
+44 20 7780 4272
Scott Berg
+ 1 713 968
+65 6496 9960 SHAPE
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Argus is an independent media organisation with more than 800 staff. It is headquartered in London and has 21 offices in the world’s principal commodity trading and production centres. Argus produces price assessments and analysis of international energy and other commodity markets, and offers bespoke consulting services and industry-leading conferences.
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