CIOMA Fights South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Rule Changes

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is attempting to pass proposed changes to Rule 1401 that will severely limit the allowable emissions at gasoline dispensing facilities. This proposed language ignores CARB instructions regarding Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR) technology commonly used on modern vehicles and skews emissions calculations much higher than their true values. The proposed rule will limit the throughput for large gas stations and gas stations near residential areas. SCAQMD has put the approval of this rule on a very short timeline, has not made technical documents available for stakeholder review, and has placed the adoption vote on a date which harms the public process. 
CIOMA has submitted a letter to Board members requesting a review of this behavior and that SCAQMD move the vote to later this year, once all technical documents and reasoning have been made available. This is a growing problem in the SCAQMD rulemaking process and CIOMA and our partners are working to curtail this inappropriate behavior.