Bay Area Air Quality Management District Emissions Reduction Rule

Bay Area Air Quality Management District Emissions Reduction Rule

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is holding a Board of Directors meeting on November 15, 2017 to consider a rule that will severely limit gasoline dispensing facilities.  According to the District's research, emissions from gas stations are among the lowest risk and lowest volume when compared to other existing facilities.  CARB is currently performing research directly related to this rule, an initiative pushed by CIOMA in the South Coast Air Quality Management District.  The Bay Area District cannot ignore this important research being conducted that will influence this rule.

CIOMA is submitting comments and working with partners to combat this rule but your voice is needed!  The only proposed method to achieve these reductions is to reduce throughput and overall sales.  This will hurt your livelihood and will fail to reach the goals laid out by the District. 

If you are able to attend the meeting on November 15 in San Francisco, please contact Sam Bayless at

Affected counties: San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, southwestern Solano, and southern Sonoma.