City of Carson Seeks Oil Refining and Storage Tax

Dear Business Operator,

On Aug. 7, 2017, the Carson City Council placed a quarter-cent tax on all businesses engaged in oil refining and storage in the City of Carson. On Nov. 7th, Carson voters will have the opportunity to vote NO on Measure C, which could have a negative impact on all Carson residents and businesses. 

Carson residents and businesses will pay more if Measure C passes on Nov. 7th. This year, Sacramento implemented a statewide tax, beginning Nov 1st, that will raise the cost of gasoline by 12 cents a gallon and the cost of diesel by 20 cents a gallon. Two months ago, the Carson City Council approved a $45 million community benefit agreement with Andeavor – then a few weeks later the Council rushed out Measure C for a Nov. 7th special election.

Measure C has significant problems. It reinforces Carson’s anti-business climate. If approved, Measure C would target oil businesses operating in the city that provide significant economic benefit, create jobs and generate tax revenue. These additional taxes are real costs that will impact hard-working Carson residents and all businesses.

Carson benefits from the oil industry providing well-paying job opportunities and economic stimulus for service providers such as tank cleaners, welders, printers, restaurateurs, engineers, etc. Measure C will hurt Carson-based families and small businesses. The oil industry generates almost $4 billion annually in taxes for L.A. County and creates jobs for Carson residents, good-paying, middle-class, largely union jobs that provide upward mobility for families in our community. 

How can you help now?  Go to Fill out the form to oppose Measure C and let us know how you can help. 

Thank you,

The California Independent Oil Marketers Association

Measure C is a job-killing tax that will not help anybody. To stop it, we need to get the message out to as many Carson voters as possible. Please feel free to share these campaigns with your customers, business associates, and employees.