California Wants More Than 4.2 Million Electric Vehicles By 2030. A New Plan Charts The Road Ahead.

When the California Air Resources Board (CARB) meets today, it will likely vote to adopt the state’s 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan.  While it is a wonky document, wading through the details provides important insights into California’s strategy to meet its 2030 goal of reducing statewide emissions 40% below 1990 levels – meaning the plan gives automakers, utilities, and investors a sense of what to expect for the next decade.

California's 2017 scoping plan is a climate policy blueprint with an unmistakable commitment to electrifying transportation .  Even though the state boasts the second largest electric vehicle (EV) car market in the world after China with more than 300,000 fully electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on the road, transportation sector emissions are the California's largest source of emissions and passenger vehicle tailpipes emit 27% of statewide emissions.  Electrification is key to driving these emissions down, and the state has aggressive electric vehicle targets, aiming to have 1.5 million EVs on the road by 2025 and more than 4.2 million EVs deployed by 2030.

But while California’s near-terms goals are clear, the number of unanswered policy questions about how it will reach its clean transportation destination is striking.  Uncertainty abounds about how quickly EVs will reach purchase price parity, how quickly the average consumer will embrace this new tech, and what the timeline is for expansion of ride-sharing alternatives and self-driving cars.  These unknowns reflect the revolution underway in transportation.

California’s Roadmap for Reaching Its Goal of At Least 4.2 Million Electric Vehicles

The scoping plan calls for a mix of regulations, incentives and investment to move the EV industry from boutique to mainstream. Two important regulations are the state’s EV sales mandate and the low carbon fuel standard (LCFS).  The EV mandate and LCFS are both performance standards which include incentive mechanisms.  Both allow for flexible compliance through credit trading and are interesting examples of CARB’s innovative policy work, which shows how far environmental policy has come from the early days of "command and control."

The EV mandate sets minimum sales targets for manufacturers while the LCFS requires a steady-decrease in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels, and electricity counts as a very low carbon fuel under the standard, especially in California with its clean electricity mix. Both policies are technology agnostic – the EV mandate can also be met with fuel cell vehicles, should manufacturers choose that route, and biofuels and electricity compete under the LCFS.

The LCFS currently requires a 10% reduction in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels below the 2010 level by 2020, and the 2017 scoping plan increases that ambition to an 18% reduction by 2030.  The EV mandate requires 15% EV sales by 2025, but because of crediting for partial ZEVs, compliance projections might only entail 8% fully electric or plug-in hybrid electric sales by 2025.

If California had a partner in the federal government, it would likely be considering modifications to increase the ZEV mandate ambition, but vehicle standards are one of the few instances where state energy policy is preempted by federal rules.  California has a unique status under the U.S. Clean Air Act, which allows the state to set more stringent polices (which other states then have the option of adopting), including for vehicle fuel standards.  However, the federal government has to approve a waiver, and there’s little chance EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt would allow that to happen.

California is also using incentives to support the spread of EVs, with rebates of $2,500–$5,000 for new EVs, funded with money from state auctions of carbon emission allowances. This cap-and-trade revenue is also being used in creative ways such as supporting EV car sharing in low income communities as well as electric bus purchases, with $180 million in funding for low-carbon transit in the latest budget.

California aims to have the charging infrastructure in place to support one million ZEVs by 2020 , and is in the midst of wave of new investments led by electric utilities, which are installing 20,000 new chargers, more than doubling the current capacity of 15,000 chargers. The Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal settlement is another source of funds, providing $800 million in California investments over 10 years, and the first investments are funding installation of 2,000-3,000 new chargers.

Building up the required charging infrastructure makes sense, as charger constraints are already a challenge in the most saturated areas, but major unknowns exist about the optimal charging network shape.  For instance, different types of charger capacity options abound and the proper mix of these is not clear, while the fastest type of chargers only make up 10% of California’s charging network.  While homeowners with garages will be able to charge most of the time at home, given expanding battery ranges, how to best serve drivers in apartment buildings (about 50% of California’s population) is another important outstanding question.

The emergence of mobility as service (i.e. hailing rides via Uber or Lyft rather than owning a car) may help solve that challenge.  The greater use of autonomous and shared vehicles is more naturally amendable to electrification, as these vehicles have much higher capacity use rates compared to private vehicles, which sit idle 96% of the time.  Since EVs are already substantially cheaper to drive, that means a faster payback, but it cannot be taken as given that these parallel transportation revolutions will maximize the EV opportunity.  CARB and the research community are working on these questions.

Internal combustion engine bans have been in the news and California made its own news about this over the summer, when CARB Chair Mary Nichols stated the Air Resources Board would study the advisability and modalities of a ban, at Governor Jerry Brown’s direction.  However, the scoping plan does not mention any such ban.  Rather, the scoping plan focuses on all the other near-term strategies needed to make the EV transition it feasible and beneficial, and that makes sense.

Clear Investment Signals for Automakers

Despite the unknowns and federal obstruction, California is taking the right steps toward its EV goals with a mix of incentives, regulations, and investments.  Auto manufacturers, utilities, and investors should view the new climate strategy as one more reason to intensify their EV development efforts because it is clear this state, the largest auto market in the nation, will be pushing hard to make EVs the new normal over the next decade.

 Information provided by Chris Busch, Forbes.