CFCA would like to extend a warm welcome to its newest members! Thank you for joining the CFCA family and we look forward to working with you on behalf of our industry!
Rakkar Stations, Inc. RAM Enterprises Buta Singh C-Store & Wash Orv's Shell Major Brands Gas of Concord AAA San Pablo Fuel, Inc. Menifee Fuels Co.
Targray is one of the largest and fastest-growing marketers and distributors of biodiesel in California. The company’s innovative turnkey biodiesel procurement solutions enable fuel retailers, distributors, fleet operators and transportation firms across the state to increase their bottom lines while helping create a more sustainable economy for future generations. For more information, visit the Targray Biofuels website.
The California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) Office of Farm to Fork is now accepting proposals for the new Healthy Stores Refrigeration Grant Program. The program will fund energy efficient refrigeration units in corner stores and small businesses in food deserts throughout the state to stock California-grown fresh produce, nuts and minimally processed foods – improving access to healthy food choices in the small retail environment for underserved communities, while promoting CA-grown agriculture. CDFA seeks proposals from corner stores, small businesses; or cities, counties or nonprofits working with corner stores or small businesses to promote healthy retail. A total of $4,500,000 is available for grants.
Applications must be submitted by email to, no later than Thursday, April 25, 2019, 5:00 P.M.
The California Community Colleges invests in the state’s economic growth and global competitiveness through industry-specific education, training and services that contribute to a highly skilled and productive workforce. With over a $1 billion in investments in career and technical education and workforce development, the California Community Colleges is providing our state with a strong and well-prepared workforce to help our economy prosper.
Are you interested in learning more about the programs that are important to your industry? You can join as a public supporter of the California Community Colleges Doing What MATTERS for Jobs and the Economy and its Strong Workforce Program. There are many opportunities for your business including:
· Provide work-based learning experiences to give youth exposure to your company.
· Learn more about internship programs specific to your business/industry.
· Provide our faculty information on innovations and technologies important to your industry.
· Help shape and develop curriculum and programs important for your industry.
Attached is the employer engagement form that outlines multiple ways your business can engage with the California Community Colleges Doing What MATTERS for Jobs and the Economy and its Strong Workforce Program.
The CFCA Memorial Scholarship Fund provides scholarship awards to deserving students attending college or vocational programs at any accredited postsecondary institution. It is publicly supported by generous contributions from CFCA members and their communities.
The CFCA Memorial Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to help children and employees of CFCA members further their education and professional development.
You can help send a deserving student to college by donating to the Fund. It's easy and every dollar makes a difference.
We all know that California's government has spent millions developing charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. They are becoming seemingly ubiquitous around the state and they are showing no signs of slowing down.
Yet, one thing stands out... there's hardly ever an EV parked at one. CFCA wants your pictures of this excessive taxpayer waste. We want your pictures of EV charging stations throughout the state that sit empty and unkempt, or better yet, used by non-electric vehicles.
Send them directly to CFCA via email, or you can share them to CFCA's social media channels yourself with the hashtags #EVacuated and #dEVoid.
Let's see who can capture the best image of this taxpayer waste!
Since its inception, Trinity Consultants has been committed to providing superior professional training in environmental topics. Our annual schedule includes more than 200 courses, offered at locations around the country, on timely topics for environmental professionals such as environmental permitting, emissions quantification and reporting, air dispersion modeling, greenhouse gas emissions reporting and permitting, stack testing, and CEMS management.
In addition to our federally-based regulatory courses, we also offer a large slate of state-specific courses, bringing the added value of information on specific state and local programs and insights gained from our experience working with the local regulatory agencies.
Free CARB Regulatory Training in Your Area!
Do you own, operate, or dispatch heavy-duty diesel trucks in or to California? Then you need to know that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) enforces a set of air pollution regulations affecting all types of heavy-duty diesel vehicles operating in the State. If your vehicles are NOT already compliant, you need to know what to do to be compliant for 2019. And if your vehicles ARE compliant, you still may need to report to remain compliant. This course gives you the information you need about how to comply with CARB diesel regulations and how to report to continue operating legally in 2019 and beyond.
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Convenience stores used to be the stop to shop for a soda and a bag of chips after getting gas, but now more consumers are using them as an efficient way to grab a bouquet of fresh flowers, a premade salad, a cup of soup or bakery item.
In fact, the amount of fruits and vegetables sold in the convenience stores has grown to be roughly the same as popcorn or pretzels.
Bucking past trends, produce sales in convenient stores are now about $242 million per year, according to Jeff Lenard, vice president of strategic industry initiatives at the National Association of Convenience Stores. While this is still a fraction of the $61 billion in produce sold at grocery and big box stores annually, it demonstrates new opportunities for convenience store operators.
This past week, the group released data that showed convenience stores experienced a 16th straight year of record in-store sales in 2018, with total sales surging 8.9% to $654.3 billion.
"The value of convenience has never been higher," said Lenard.
Convenience retailers are optimistic about second-quarter growth, led by fresh and healthy products.
Convenience retailers suggest that strong sales in 2018 will continue into the summer drive season with two in three (67%) expecting sales increases during the second quarter of 2019 over the same period last year.
And, convenience retailers, which sell an estimated 80% of the fuel purchased in the United States, also expect fuel sales to remain strong. Nearly four in five (79%) say that they expect fuel sales from April through June to at least match sales from the same period last year, according to survey results of c-store operators conducted by NACS, the trade association that represents the convenience and fuel retailing industry.
Retailers express confidence that sales of prepared foods, which account for one in six sales dollars in a convenience store, per newly released NACS State of the Industry data for 2018, will grow this quarter. More than half (52%) say that their sandwich and meal sales will help drive sales growth this quarter.
Average retail gasoline prices in California have spiked 50cts/gal over the past month, swiftly moving toward $4/gal, with bullish underlying market fundamentals indicating little relief in sight for drivers looking for a price break at the pump.
The average retail price of gasoline in California was $3.80/gal Monday morning, up from $3.30/gal a month ago, according to AAA data provided by OPIS.In the past week alone, average prices are up 20cts/gal. At the wholesale rack level, the OPIS average rack price in California for regular CARB gasoline (10% ethanol) was around $1.93/gal at the beginning of March, according to OPIS historical data. Over the weekend, that number was up to nearly $2.57/gal.
The jump at both the retail and rack distribution levels is a result of rallying prices further up the fuel chain, in both regional California spot markets.
If the Democrat-controlled Legislature fails to pass a low-carbon fuel standard this session, Steve Hobbs, one of their own, will get blamed.
He knows it.
The Lake Stevens Democrat is chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, where the legislation got a hearing on April 4.
Technically, the legislation, House Bill 1110, needs to be approved by the panel by April 9 to have a shot at becoming law. Hobbs has made clear he isn’t a fan of the bill and has made no commitments to bring it up for a vote.
Environmentalists and progressive Democrats, including Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee, have been turning up the heat on him to advance it. Representatives of the oil industry, trucking association and business organizations are lobbying him equally hard to bottle it up.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler defended the Trump administration's decision to pull out of talks with California about new rules for gas mileage.
Speaking to reporters Thursday at the Washington Auto Show, Wheeler said he is confident the Trump administration's proposal to roll back stringent rules that would require automakers to produce fleets that average more than 50 miles per gallon by 2025 will hold up in court if it is successfully finalized later this year.
"Our goal from the beginning was a 50-state solution," he said. "I met with (the California Air Resources Board) three times since taking the helm of EPA last July. But despite our best efforts, we could not reach a solution and decided to end the discussions. We embrace federalism and the role of states, but federalism does not mean that one state can dictate the standards for the entire nation."