CFCA would like to welcome it's newest members!
Getty Realty Corp
Dr. Detail Services
We are very excited to announce that CFCA has named its new Executive Director. Effective January 1, 2020, Elizabeth Graham will become Executive Director of the California Fuels & Convenience Alliance.
We are extremely confident that Elizabeth is the ideal individual to lead CFCA into the new decade and bring our organization to unmatched heights. She possesses an unmatched passion for our members and a skillset perfectly suited to meeting our needs in the coming future. Her expertise will continue to be a valued asset as we move forward. We wish her the best of luck in her new position and cannot wait to see what the future holds.
Click the Link for the official announcement.
CFCA would like to wish a heartfelt thank you to our generous donors who allowed us to exceed California's contribution goal to PMAA PAC. CFCA contributed 102% of our $10,294 goal.
That money will be invested many times back into our ongoing fight in California to defend our industry. Last year PMAA contributed $29,500 to California candidates, marking a 267% return on investment, and this year that money will be crucial as election season comes around.
A heartfelt thank you to David Atwater, Jimm Cross, Nathan Crum, Matt Cullen, Ken Dewar, Dee Dhaliwal, Mike Dogget, Mike Downs, Erin Graziosi, Brian Hill, Tom Jamieson, Sanjiv Patel, Robert Rinehart, Rusty Rinehart, Bob Shuster, Gail Tesei, Michael Tooley, Ron Van De Pol, Tom Van De Pol, and Ed Ward for your extremely generous contributions.
Thank you for your generous donations in helping to fight the PAGA scam! Without your help, our ongoing battle would not be possible!
Through this fundraiser we will partner with the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) on their lawsuit against the State of California. CABIA has hired the law firm Epstein, Becker, & Green, P.C. to lead the legal challenge.
Through your generous support, we have exceeded our $15,000 goal, but are still accepting donations to the cause!
CFCA recently sat down with our partners at Backgrounds Online Business Development Director, Seth Atchue, to discuss the importance of background checks and, what sets them apart from other providers. We also got a special announcement that they are now offering a new service, vital for anyone with professional drivers: DOT drug screening and pre-employment physicals.
Kii Corporation is a leader in providing smart and agile IoT asset monitoring framework for the petroleum Industry. Our tank level monitoring addresses the needs of petroleum distributors for precise and timely data insights in an interface that is simple, elegant and easy to use. Our core competencies are smart agile solutions, premium customer support, and low-cost sensors that help drive return on investment.
As a 'thank you' for the continued partnership of CFCA and its members, the Alternative Fuels Council would like to extend a special offer to CFCA members.
The Alternative Fuels Council is offering $1,000 off their annual fee for any CFCA member that signs up before January 1, 2020.
For more information, click the link below.
In California, it is vital to our advocacy efforts to support lawmakers in supporting CFCA. CFCAPAC - the California Fuels & Convenience Alliance Political Action Committee - is the fundraising organization for contributions to political candidates. Our PAC is the backbone of our government relations efforts. It is a fully registered Political Action Committee under California campaign contribution laws and regulations.
The goal of CFCAPAC is to help elect political representatives who support policies favorable to your industry. CFCAPAC enables CFCA representatives to meet and support candidates for state elective office, ensuring that present and future lawmakers know who we are and what we contribute to the California economy. Please support our efforts and contribute to our ongoing efforts to fight for our industry!
It's that time of year again! CFCA membership dues are out! You should have received a mailing from CFCA over the past few weeks containing your dues invoice, as well as a change of information form.
While you may certainly pay via mail or over the phone, we encourage all members to pay through the CFCA Membership Portal. It makes payment a breeze, and allows us to collect the most accurate information for your company in our membership database.
Click the link below to go to our portal and make sure your log in information is correct.
If you did not receive a dues invoice, or have any issues accessing your account, CFCA staff is always happy to help you in any way we can. Please feel free to call us at (916) 646-5999 with any questions on how you can access your portal or if you do not know your log-in credentials.
Since its inception, Trinity Consultants has been committed to providing superior professional training in environmental topics. Our annual schedule includes more than 200 courses, offered at locations around the country, on timely topics for environmental professionals such as environmental permitting, emissions quantification and reporting, air dispersion modeling, greenhouse gas emissions reporting and permitting, stack testing, and CEMS management.
In addition to our federally-based regulatory courses, we also offer a large slate of state-specific courses, bringing the added value of information on specific state and local programs and insights gained from our experience working with the local regulatory agencies.
Free CARB Regulatory Training in Your Area!
Do you own, operate, or dispatch heavy-duty diesel trucks in or to California? Then you need to know that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) enforces a set of air pollution regulations affecting all types of heavy-duty diesel vehicles operating in the State. If your vehicles are NOT already compliant, you need to know what to do to be compliant for 2019. And if your vehicles ARE compliant, you still may need to report to remain compliant. This course gives you the information you need about how to comply with CARB diesel regulations and how to report to continue operating legally in 2019 and beyond.
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The idea behind California Refund Value isn't complicated. Consumers pay a 5- or 10-cent deposit on every beverage bottle and can sold in the state, then return those bottles and cans to get that refund back.
But consumers like Mark Milan told the NBC4 I-Team that's easier said than done. His local recycling center recently closed.
When that happens, a back-up plan is supposed to kick in. Most nearby stores that sell the single-use containers are required to recycle them.
A trade group that represents mom-and-pop gas stations and convenience stores said it's just not possible.
"The issue there is they don't have the staffing or the capacity to be able to process mass recycling," said James Allison, of the California Fuels & Convenience Alliance.
Why are we allowing our roads, bridges, and other transportation assets to crumble?
One out of every five miles of highway pavement is in poor condition, and 188 million cars travel across a structurally deficient bridge each day.
There is a $1.1 trillion gap between the amount that government has committed to investing in transportation infrastructure and the amount needed to bring our infrastructure up to par. Many blame electric vehicles.
They argue that because electric vehicles do not use gasoline, they are not paying gas taxes, which are the principal source of funding for transportation infrastructure.
CVS, the nation's largest pharmacy health care provider, is facing a record $3.6 million fine for failing to redeem deposits on bottles and cans at some of its locations, California regulators said Monday.
The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, better known as CalRecycle, said its investigation found that 81 of CVS Pharmacy's 848 retail stores in California refused to redeem the recyclables or pay a required $100 daily fee as an alternative.
CalRecycle filed the enforcement action last week, and CVS can seek a hearing if it wants to contest the fine. Department spokesman Lance Klug said it's the largest enforcement action ever against a retailer for failing to redeem recyclables.
Note to readers: Each week through December 2019, a selection of our 101 California Influencers answers a question that is critical to California's future. Topics include education, healthcare, environment, housing and economic growth.
California Influencers this week answered the following question: What should the most important priority in the area of environmental and energy policy be for Governor Newsom and the State Legislature in 2020? Below are the Influencers' answers in their entirety.
In 2015, the California regulator overseeing PG&E Corp. opened an inquiry into whether the state's largest utility put enough priority on safety.
Since then, a federal jury has found PG&E guilty of violating safety regulations for natural-gas pipelines and a federal judge later placed it on criminal probation. Its electrical equipment has sparked more than a fire a day on average since 2014-more than 400 last year-including wildfires that killed more than 100 people. It filed for bankruptcy protection this year.
A new inspector general at Caltrans has found millions of dollars in misspending on transportation improvement projects in the last year as the state has seen its coffers swell from increases to the state's gas taxes and vehicle fees.
Rhonda L. Craft, who was appointed five months ago, said in a report to the governor this week that in the fiscal year that ended June 30, her auditors found more than $13 million in "disallowed" expenditures reported by state and local government agencies. They include $7.4 million in questioned costs for programs covered by Proposition 1B, a $19.9-billion transportation bond measure approved by California voters in 2006.
The black dust that caked Margaret Gordon's venetian blinds was the first bad omen. Her West Oakland neighborhood, crisscrossed by freeways and nestled close to a busy port, was gradually poisoning her lungs, she says.
When Gordon moved to an affordable housing complex on 7th and Willow streets in 1992, she could hear trucks rumbling by throughout the day, shipping goods from the port, crawling along the Interstate 880 underpass and rolling out of the post office parking lot.