CFCA Insider

California Fuels & Convenience Alliance

Federated Insurance
Valero Energy Corporation
In the past several years, with the increase in fuel cost and the economic downturn, fuel theft has risen to be a serious threat to fuel retailers. Whether through skimming, employee theft, tank pump outs, or manipulated equipment, the thefts are becoming much more common.

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Naylor, LLC
Naylor, LLC
Valero Energy Corporation
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Industry News
Anyone who believes battery-electric or hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles don’t have a future greatly underestimates the bullheadedness of Californians. This special breed of American lives in a state wracked by drought, choked with traffic, and bisected by a fault zone. Yet Californians think there’s no better place to be.

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The election may be over, but the food movement is still making news about ballot initiatives and members of Congress.

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A federal judge has ordered the American Fuels and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) to more fully explain its arguments against the California Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), saying the group's recently revised legal brief is not clear.

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CIOMA Benefits
CIOMA is reaching out to the membership to call for membership participation on committees and to learn of interest to serve as future Board members.

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