Title III of the The Americans with Disabilities Act has become a vehicle for litigation alleging that commercial websites are not sufficiently accessible for persons with disabilities such as impaired vision or hearing. This update will explain the mechanics of such claims, and offer tips on how your company can reduce the risk of these claims.
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Upcoming Events
Mar. 22 |
Membership Meetings & Day at the Capitol
Sacramento, CA |
Apr. 28-29 |
CIOMPAC Destruction Derby - CANCELLED
Firebaugh, CA |
May 17-19 |
PMAA Meetings & Day on the Hill - NEW DATE
Washington, D.C. |
May 19 |
Fuel Relief Fund Annual Golf Tournament
Riverside, CA |
Sept. 5-7 |
Pacific Oil Conference & Trade Show
L.A. LIVE, Los Angeles, CA |
CIOMA Benefits
Over $20 million is available for all project categories including upgrading existing diesel-powered transportation refrigeration units (TRU) to zero-emission options. Funding is also available to install electric power & cryogenic fueling infrastructure and to replace insulated grocery store cold-storage trailers with electric trailers and install a power plug.
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Member News
Brian Hill is Partner / Vice President of Toro Petroleum and HB Petroleum. Toro was founded by George Hill (father) and John Bohlman in 1971 and is in the second generation of ownership and management. HB Petroleum was created in June of 2015 to purchase and manage the assets of Sellers Petroleum. Brian’s partner in both companies is Jon Bohlman, son of John Bohlman.
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