CISCA Monday Newsletter

Economic Census Due Date Has Now Passed

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Economic Census Update - Past Due Notices
The U.S. Census Bureau measures the nation's population once every 10 years. It also measures U.S. businesses every 5 years with the Economic Census, the most comprehensive source of data related to business activity. 
The 2017 Economic Census was mailed in May 2018, and asks companies to report information for each location, including employment, payroll, and value of goods or services produced in 2017. Questions are tailored by industry and size of business.
The June 12th due date for the 2017 Economic Census has now passed. Businesses who received the Economic Census but have not yet responded are receiving past due notices from the U.S. Census Bureau with instructions on how to comply and get assistance. Please note that response is required by law.

The Economic Census provides industry and market statistics at the national, state and local levels. Economic Census data serve as the foundation for the gross domestic product (GDP) and other leading economic indicators for the nation. 
Visit the Information for Respondents page at the Economic Census website for additional guidance. 

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