
Welcome to March 2024, where Pi Day, National Surveyors Week, and the Western Regional Surveying Conference happen all at once. You can boast about your chosen profession, get your continuing education credits, and eat pie, all within 12 days of each other.
This week is National Surveyors Week. I was in Sacramento yesterday with Ric Moore from the Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, and CLSA’s Legislative Advocate, Mike Belote and Kim Oreno from the Central Office for a proclamation at the Capitol, sponsored by Assemblywoman Esmerelda Soria. Many thanks to Mr. Belote for coordinating the proclamation with Assemblywoman Soria’s office and continually promoting the profession in Sacramento
The Western Regional Survey Conference (http://plseducation.org/) will be in Las Vegas on March 23-26, 2024. It looks to be a great Conference and a large turnout. This year’s Conference is being sponsored by the State Associations from Arizona (APLS), California (CLSA), Nevada (NALS), New Mexico (NMPS), Wyoming (PLSW), and the Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS). It is expected that surveyors from most of the western States will be in attendance.
I always look forward to the Conference. I always learn something. Sometimes I learn something new; sometimes I re-learn something I’d forgotten (which happens more than I’d like to admit). I always enjoy seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I hope to see you there. If you see me, please stop and say Hi.
And Pi Day (3/14) was last week. An excuse for anyone with a math-geek streak or regular pie fan to celebrate, because...well…pie.
Celebrate responsibly. ??
If you, as a Chapter Officer, Director, or member, have questions about anything related to the Association, please contact the Executive Committee.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact me: Ca.PLS8200@gmail.com or 559-451-7112.
Kevin Nehring