A Message from the President
Hi everyone. Kim Oreno, CLSA Executive Director, filling in for President Hills while he's away. 
First, I'd like to offer congratulations to the Cal Poly Pomona Student Chapter. They held their Geomatics Conference yesterday and it was well planned and well attended. CLSA had a booth and we had a great time interacting with students and promoting the profession! Here I am with Cal Poly Pomona mascot, Billy Bronco!
Be sure to save the date for the 2024 Western Regional Survey Conference. It'll be held March 23-26, 2024 at the Horseshoe in Las Vegas. More details will be released soon.
On behalf of the CLSA Education Foundation, I'd like to remind you all that scholarship season is upon us! We're in the process of collecting scholarship pledges and updating the application. Please consider making a donation so we can continue to support land surveying students!
We're still looking for a fun new name for the CLSA eNews. If you have any ideas, please email them to me at kim@californiasurveyors.org. 
I hope you all are having a good month. Take care. 
Where in California Is This?
The August “Where in CA is This?” was a photo looking out of an upstairs window over the complex rooftop of the Winchester Mystery House (WMH) in San Jose, CA. There were several who correctly identified the location: John Canby, Joseph Cash, LSIT, of Caltrans, Richard Elgenson, Mary Stanton of MBS Land Surveys and Steve Martin. I found the methods they used to be fascinating.
Joseph used clues and technology to lead him to a location. He cropped the image and used Google Lense to find similar images, then Google Earth to identify the probable window.  Initially he thought UCB campus or other college campus. Richard used his intuition about the complicated roofs and guessed they belonged to the WMH. He then backed up his guess with additional research and information. He found it on a mapping program and when in street view, felt the wooden rods on the top of roofs matched, plus the windows and fish scale shingles matched. The final and convincing piece of evidence was the round roof in the distance which is a movie theater. Mary also guessed the WMH, and used a Google Earth check to prove herself right. Steve relied on recognizing the view from a previous visit.
Try to identify the location of this month’s photos. Please tell me how you identified the location. Submit your answer or submit your photo of a special location in California to: Rob McMillan
Naylor Association Solutions
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA, September 6, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Get Kids Into Survey, the UK-based STEM education project, has partnered with Las Vegas-based Diamondback Land Surveying to inspire and educate the next generation of American surveyors and geospatial professionals. Get Kids Into Survey’s goal is to see surveying and geospatial programs supported in public school curricula, combating the dwindling numbers of new talent entering the survey profession.
Click here to read more.