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Wendel Rosen LLP
September 2021 In This Issue
Early Sullivan Wright Gizer & McRae LLP
CLTA is pleased to release its newest CLTA Titlecast, Handling a Commercial Real Estate Transaction - Endorsements the second part in a two-part series. CLTA Titlecast episodes are on-demand educational ...
The California Land Title Association is pleased to announce that we will once again be producing the CLTA Annual Membership Directory for 2022. Based on overwhelming member feedback, the upcoming Annual ...
The CLTA, in its capacity as an advisory organization, filed newly adopted 2021 ALTA Policy and Endorsement forms with the California Department of Insurance. Revised CLTA / ALTA Endorsements also were filed in ...
Data Trace Union Bank
The Legislature has passed Assembly Bill 1466, which would require that the county recorder of each county establish a program to identify and redact unlawfully restrictive covenants from ...
Assembly Bill 1584 is the Omnibus bill of the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee that the Legislature has sent to the Governor. Omnibus bills allow the Legislature to combine a number of ...
The Department of Real Estate (DRE) has updated its interpretation on the use of electronic signatures for documents where signatures are required by law. ...
Senate Bill 9 (Atkins) passed the Assembly on 44-16 vote and Assembly amendments were agreed to by the Senate by a 28-7 vote – sending the bill to the Governor who has now signed it. The bill had a long list of both ...
Assembly Bill 896 was amended on August 26 to expand the tax lien authority of the Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) in the Department of Conservation. Prior to the amendments, the bill created a ...
The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) recently updated its website information surrounding the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The OAG website now has a summary of sample enforcement actions that can ...
Petru Corporation North American Title Insurance Company
Forbes Advisor recently looked at state-by-state closing costs in the fourth quarter of 2020 based on data by Closing Corp. Despite California’s expensive housing, it still ranked as one of 10 states with the lowest ...
The Biden administration has announced a housing plan aimed at making housing both more available and affordable. The plan includes rehabilitating rental housing units and increasing potential purchases of ...
Profitability for U.S. title insurers in 1H21 is expected to continue to exceed rating expectations over the near term, supported by a robust housing market, continued home price appreciation from elevated market demand ...
Last Thursday, Freddie Mac released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®) for the week ending September 16, showing that the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 2.86 percent. ...
First American Financial Increases Dividend and Size of Stock Buyback Authorization; Old Republic International Declares Special Dividend; Fidelity National Financial Authorizes Stock Repurchase Program, Increases Dividend ...
Estate of Wall (C087730). In a probate case the wife claimed that property held in her decedent husband's name was community property. The court held that in a probate case Family Code Section 760's presumption that ...
Pear v. City of San Francisco (H045045). Plaintiff's predecessor granted defendant fee title to property, which defendant needed for an underground pipeline, reserving the right to use the surface of the property for pasturage ...
Brown v. Montage at Mission Hills (E074341, E075762). The court held that a condominium owner was exempt from an amendment to the condominium CC&Rs that prohibited renting properties for less than 30 days ...
Pearce v. Briggs (F080403). The court had two main holdings ...
Haggerty v. Thornton (D078049). The court upheld a summary judgment in favor of a borrower, holding that after making interest-only payments on two promissory notes for many years, no principal amount was owing. The ...
Korchemny v. Piterman (A155483, A157716). The court upheld a summary judgment in favor of a borrower, holding that after making interest-only payments on two promissory notes for many years, no ...


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