California Land Title Association eNews

California Land Title Association.

Garrett & Tully, A Professional Corporation
On behalf of CLTA Officers, Board of Governors and staff, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the sponsor's of CLTA's 108th Annual Convention...

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CLTA News Express:  Bulletin 14/15-77 | April 28, 2015

The CLTA-sponsored bill AB 704 (Cooley) passed unanimously out of the Assembly Insurance Committee on an 12-0 vote this morning. AB 704 would create a definition of "escrow" within the California Insurance Code that expressly allows ...

Assembly Bill 679 (Allen) would require documents presented to a county recorder for recordation to state the number of pages to be recorded, either on a cover page or a sticker on the first page. CLTA is opposed to the legislation as drafted, citing vagaries within the legislation that could lead to ...
Assembly Bill 1335, introduced earlier this year by Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, is scheduled to be heard this week in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 1335 would increase funding for affordable housing by adding a $75 fee to recorded documents, including  ...
CLTA has come out in support of Senate Bill 377, authored by Senator Beall, which would allow the sale of low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs). CLTA believes that such legislation would increase the efficiency of California’s current ...
Assembly Bill 661 (Mathis) would clarify when an additional fee of up to $10 can be charged, in counties that have opted-in, for real estate fraud prosecution purposes by a district attorney. Under existing law, vague language ...
CLTA has joined a coalition of organizations, including the Civil Justice Association of California (CJAC) and the California Chamber of Commerce, in support of Assembly Bill 846 (Gallagher). Assembly Bill 846 would grant courts the discretion to dismiss ...
As of May 1st, 270 bills in the California legislature have been marked as "2-year" bills, meaning they can’t be heard again until next year, for failing to meet the legislative deadline requiring fiscal bills to have passed out of their policy committees.
Governor Jerry Brown has mandated that by June, water use be cut by an average of 25% from 2013 levels. The State Water Resources Control Board is considering the water-conservation plan for action in May. ...