CMSA'S Pulse eNewsletter


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Dial into our brand-new web series on Case Management Leadership and Growing the Workforce Pipeline:

"Case Management Is Like Riding on a Roller Coaster" by CMSA President Janet Coulter, MSN, MS, RN, CCM, FCM

"CMSA Continues to Elevate the Professional Practice of Case Management Through Education and Career Development" Association News

Plus, be sure to read these recent web-exclusive articles:

"Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults: A Growing Epidemic" by Kelva Edmunds-Waller, DNP, RN, CCM

"HIC: Pioneer in Cardiovascular Health and Artificial Heart Implantation" by Garry Carneal, JD

"Collaborative Care Revisited: Addressing Mental Health Through Primary Care & Case Management" by Pilar Salcendo and Leonardo Alberto Salazar Rojas

New issues post first on, plus new articles post each week, so visit regularly for fresh content on current case management trends.


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